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From the author: I’m waiting for feedback. This is how it happens in my lesson, with sand therapy. Greetings. Rules of conduct in the sandbox1. You cannot intentionally throw sand out of the sandbox.2. You cannot throw sand at others.3. After playing in the sand, you need to wash your hands. 1 . Exercise “Sand Rain” Progress of the exercise. Sand fairy: “In my country there may be an unusual rain of sand and a sand wind blowing. It is very nice. You can make such rain and wind yourself. Watch how it happens":1. The child slowly or quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the adult’s palm (on his palm).2. The child closes his eyes and places his palm with his fingers spread out on the sand, the adult sprinkles sand on a finger, and the child names this finger. Then they switch roles. Exercise “Sand wind” (Breathing exercise).1. Students learn to control inhalation and exhalation without drawing sand into the tube. You can offer to say a pleasant wish to your friends, to give wishes to the sandy country, “blowing it into the sand.” They can also blow out depressions and pits on the surface of the sand. For these games you will need disposable cocktail straws.2. This exercise can be combined with aromatherapy (however, psychologists who have undergone some training in this area have the right to use aromatherapy). The child inhales the smell of an aromatic mixture specially selected for her (tonic or relaxing). When exhaling, the child easily blows sand onto his palms, blowing it into the sandbox. 2. Exercise “Winner of Anger” In a stressful situation, adults say to each other, and sometimes to children: “Don’t be angry, DO NOT be capricious, pull yourself together.” In most cases, this advice is completely meaningless, since a ban on the manifestation of negative emotions only causes a person to have additional irritation and aggression towards such an adviser, and increases the feeling of guilt for bad behavior. The game “Winner of Anger” can teach a child to deal with painlessly for his pride. anger, without fear of punishment for destructive behavior. Sand fairy: “Today we will talk about mood. How does it happen for you? What happens to you when you are angry, angry? What do adults say and do when you are angry? (Student responses).Your angry mood makes you do and say different things that make your teachers or parents angry and upset. And after the anger has passed, you also feel sad or unpleasant. I'll tell you a secret: every big and small person has the right to be angry. There are many games that teach us to “get angry the right way,” that is, in a way that doesn’t offend others. Wet sand will give you one of these games. See how you can use sand to sculpt and see your own anger, and then defeat it. If the child’s tension is too great, then in this case you can invite him to squeeze the sand forcefully, compact the surface of the sand with his fists, etc. And then, the child does a ball made of wet sand, on which they mark with indentations or draw eyes, a nose, a mouth: “Your anger now lives in this ball.” This process temporarily switches the child, and the child also transfers his negative feelings and guilt for bad behavior, thoughts, and feelings onto the sculpted ball. The student can comment on the entire process of making the “villain ball”, to which all “evil thoughts and actions” are assigned as a result. Then the child destroys the sand ball in any way, saying the “magic spell”: “Drive away anger, invite joy.” The child gives an outlet for aggression, which usually appears in the case of a ban on it and control by an adult, and the student also receives a specific pleasure from destruction. After this, the child slowly levels the surface of the sand with his hands and leaves prints of his palms on it - calming, gaining balance and control over with my own feelings: “I conquered my anger. I am calm" . If desired, the student can decorate their prints , 2008 .
