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From the author: The original article is presented on the official website of the author - The Year of the Black Dragon (Black Water Dragon) came into its own today, January 23, 2012 and will last until February 9, 2013. The dragon’s “character” is brave, purposeful, and energetic! Therefore, we are facing a change in the pace of life, those who are not yet active will be involved in such processes, therefore, it is worth setting up a “scheduled fire” for yourself. What does it mean? Plan ahead for change. Determine in which areas of life there is stagnation. Schedule activity in these areas. The dragon is also noble, sincere, straightforward and wise! Although he is a Mythical creature, he wholeheartedly promises us in the new year - health and success in all, even the most daring endeavors!!! Year of the Black Dragon!! signs: In the East, the Dragon symbolizes karma (if in very general terms, then our actions committed in past lives, in the past tense - affect all situations, affairs, meetings and results that exist in the present). The Year of the Black Dragon is the ideal time to forgive grievances, do good deeds, and create your own bright and positive environment! Let's give Love - and it will definitely return to us a hundredfold! We can make this World brighter and cleaner. And also, get ready for many significant events; in the Year of the Dragon you will need Hard work and endurance. It will be important to take the right pace and maintain your energy level! Then the Year of the Dragon will be a year of ACCOMPLISHMENTS, RESULTS, SUCCESS for you! And in conclusion, remember all the good, bright, important things that happened in the past Year of the Cat. Thank the past year for everything! PS: Several eclipses await us in 2012! two solar and two lunar eclipses. Remember them: May 20 is a solar eclipse. June 4 - lunar eclipse. November 13 - solar eclipse. November 28 - lunar eclipse. Why are these dates important? Often in the moments before (from one day to a month before the event), a person may begin to experience anxiety, a desire to make changes in his life. What areas are usually affected - family (marriage or divorce), work (changing jobs, professions, giving up a high position), the desire to travel. Be careful - at such moments (eclipses), a person may be influenced by the planets and not completely soberly assess the situation. And even later regret your decision... The main thing is that you and I have been warned! And we will tune in to the most positive things in the New Year of the Black Dragon!
