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Our fellow citizens have accumulated 105 billion dollars in cash. So we are not afraid of any crisis. Especially considering those 7 trillion rubles that are in the stash “under the pillow” of our population. Are you afraid of a crisis? Another 186 American banks could “burst” according to the scenario of the ill-fated Silicon Valley Bank. The Wall Street Journal writes about this, based on its research of financial statements. The banking “fire” has already spread to Europe, where they are preparing to “go to the bottom” » Swiss Credit Suisse, which is almost 170 years old People who become rich They do not always have the highest paid job. They are not always naturally brilliant and talented. They were not always born into a rich family or received a large inheritance. They did not buy crypto or 10 tons on the cheap gold. But they are always financially literate - which allowed them not only to earn money, but also to save it (which is much more difficult to do than to earn money). Resist the temptation to flaunt your “wealth” or brag on social networks with photos of your “beautiful life” I understand, that it is very difficult to do (since this is the mass psychosis of our days). But will you cope with it? Or not? If you are not rich, do not pretend to be rich. On the way to big money, you should not carelessly throw money away. Learn to be realistic and find pleasure in what you have at the moment time. Appreciate simple pleasures and joys. “A great ship has a long voyage.” A small boat should not go out on the open ocean, but it is ideal for a family vacation in coastal waters. Talk about money. This is very important. Talk to your significant other and children about family finances, future purchases and upcoming big expenses. Coordinate your family budget with its own financial capabilities. Nothing in life is free. Everything we have, do and achieve has its price. There is always something that we have to pay, or that we have to give up, in order to get what we want. Appreciate the simple joys of life. They are what make our life “tasty” and joyful. A cup of coffee in the morning and a good book before bed. A kind word and a hug. a loved one. A beautiful sunset and the laughter of a child. Savor these little things - they give us the happiness of enjoying Life. Happiness arises as a result of “solving problems.” The key word here is “decide”, i.e. act, and not “lie on the couch.” * Do you agree? Logical paradox “22” This is when cause and effect are turned upside down. Example: To get a good job, you need a lot of practical experience. But in order to gain experience, you need work. What ways do you know to resolve this logical paradox? Additionally: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money." I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article - Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience, laureate of the Russian Ministry of Finance Prize for the best media project on financial literacy
