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Beliefs are powerful things. They can inspire you to great deeds and help you reach untold heights, but at the same time they can become a strong barrier to success. Limiting beliefs can be a real problem that interferes with the achievement of personal and professional goals. Let's look at a few cases that will show how limiting beliefs can affect life and how working through them can help change the situation.🟡 Case #1: Denying Opportunities for a Better FutureOne One of my clients, let's call her Irina, always dreamed of a career in marketing. She had an excellent education, work experience and was ready for new challenges. But despite all this, Irina constantly doubted herself and her abilities. After several sessions of working with me, we found out that Irina believed in the limiting belief that “she is not smart enough to work in marketing.” This belief turned out to be the result of her childhood, when her parents constantly told her that she would not be able to study well and enter a prestigious university. With the development of this belief and a gradual change in her thinking, Irina finally decided on a career change and now works as a leading marketer in large company.🟡 Case #2: Overcoming fear and doubt Another client of mine, let's call him Maxim, was a successful entrepreneur, but faced a problem when he decided to expand his business. His business partner suggested that he buy back additional shares to expand the business, but Maxim could not accept this decision. He felt that it was too risky and that he would not be able to manage such a large business. After several sessions of work, we found out that Maxim believed in the limiting belief that “he is not worthy of success” and “he cannot run a big business.” Using belief processing methods, Maxim was able to overcome his fears and insecurities and accept the buyout offer shares Now his business is thriving and Maxim feels much more confident.🟡 Case #3: Reconsidering stereotypes Another client of mine, let’s call him Peter, was experiencing difficulties in his personal life. He believed that all women were only looking for money and that he would never find true love. After working with him, we found out that this belief was a result of his experiences with previous partners who were materialistic and did not seek anything other than money. Using methods for revising stereotypes, Peter learned to see in women not only money, but also other qualities, and eventually found true love. Conclusions 👇✔️ As can be seen from the above cases, limiting beliefs can become a serious obstacle to success and happiness. But it is important to remember that these beliefs are not insurmountable obstacles and can be worked through.✔️ Using methods of working with beliefs, you can change your thinking and learn to see opportunities instead of obstacles. It can help you reach new heights in your career, personal life and in all aspects of your life. Don't be afraid to make changes and work through your beliefs because this could be the key to your future success. Take action, take the first step towards positive results, start work through your limiting attitudes. A list of the main 200+ limiting settings can be found at this link - https://skydzen.ru/data/uploads/pdf/praktikapoiskaubezhdenij/practicum.pdf. Sincerely yours, millionaire psychologist Vitaly Naumov I suggest continuing and deepening the work you have done in a personal consultation👉 WhatsApp, Tel: +79086311911👉 Subscribe https://t.me/lifeuspeh
