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This is not running towards goals - this is running from oneself. For a person, the process of achieving it becomes important, and not the achievement of the goal itself. The consequence of this is that a person tries to act actively all his life and does not get the result that he supposedly aimed for. In fact, the goal is one hundred percent achieved, since the true goal was to escape. Over time, the running begins to accelerate and the situation worsens because a person needs to secure not only the present, but also the future. And he begins to create illusions and live not in the present, but in what may happen someday. A person is saved by the thought that one day he will succeed, he will come to a “wonderland” and all his problems will disappear by themselves. It makes no sense to live for tomorrow. The future always gives rise to anxiety, because it is immeasurably huge, and all this must be filled with well-being. This is a difficult and sometimes impossible task even for a very strong person. Running without a rest break is not the norm! This deprives you of strength and destroys your health! But our real “I” does not need running. “I” is already suffocating from hidden pain. Over the years, the subconscious turns into a “dump for life’s waste.” And in this case, it requires doing something to make the pain disappear. If this does not happen, then there is a need to compensate for internal weakness with external greatness. This creates a new form of defense - HANCE. Arrogance is a deliberate reduction in the significance of the outside world by creating the illusion that other people (all without exception) are insignificant. This is an attempt to hide your own weaknesses from yourself. This is denial and fundamental avoidance of one’s own weaknesses, and transferring them to others. And this is an illusion, a kind of imitation of her own strength. If a mother feels, or better yet, internally understands and knows that she is simply not able to do or give anything good to her children, then she begins to show everyone around her a touching concern for her children. And, of course, compared to her, other mothers look, to put it mildly, cold, tough and even cruel. Or if a man feels like a weakling, then he begins to demonstrate his brutality to everyone. He does not tolerate objections. He constantly hints with his whole appearance that anyone who dares to go against his will or somehow object will be doomed to suffer. The whole meaning of his existence is dictated by the desire to hide his weakness and show that everyone around him is weak. Or here’s another example: a candidate of science knows that all his mental achievements have been stolen from other, smarter people. He tries to demonstrate to everyone his extraordinary intelligence. And compared to his relatives, friends and colleagues, he looks very smart and erudite, and it turns out that his colleagues are gray and underdeveloped. Arrogance is a form of murder! An arrogant person constantly kills the people around him psychologically. Humiliation and destruction of the best qualities that exist in others is murder - murder and destruction of what is dear and valuable to another. To convince another person that he is worse and more insignificant than he really is is real murder. After all, this will cause another person to lose self-confidence, confidence in the future and inner peace. An arrogant person, feeling that his strength is fake, daily asserting himself at the expense of others, commits mass murder. By inflating himself and trying to rise even more above the rest, the arrogant person tries to provoke and excite a situation where everyone will look up to him and applaud him. And these applause, which are often far-fetched, give him a new feeling of peace and security. Attempts to rise above others give rise to resentment, hatred and contempt for other people. Since they are initially based on the attitude “others are disgusting.” Behind all this lies the true nature of arrogance. Arrogance is a manifestation of dependence on the importance of other people. Someone will constantly appear in society who will indicate that he is better than
