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Margot walked into the kitchen, took a mug of tea from the table, took a sip: “Wow, the tea is still warm, it hasn’t had time to cool.” For two months Margarita had been chasing her thoughts around. Thoughts about the future, thoughts about her husband, thoughts about what to do now. It was a young woman. 42 years. A little plump (which she was a little shy about), meek, quiet, calm. She had no friends. I didn't gossip at work. Everything is in itself. She was experiencing this situation herself. Betrayal. An SMS came to her husband’s phone and was displayed on the screen, and Margot was nearby and accidentally read: “Kitty, I miss you.” And then hearts, kisses...Kitty! From that moment on, Margo replayed that situation hundreds of times a day. When she seems to be alive, but she can’t move.” The screen has long gone dark, and she still stands frozen next to her. And in my head: “Cat. Kitty. Kitty.” For a long time Margarita could not understand/accept/realize/believe that the cat is her husband. Her husband!!! She is 42. He is 60. The two girls are twins. Apartment. Car. I bought a dacha for my old age. And here, Kitty...Margot lost sleep. Became suspicious. Started to break down out of nowhere. One day, plucking up the courage, I asked my husband: “Are you with another woman?” Silence in response. No, no. No, no. Silence that tore at the heart. Her brain was going crazy from misunderstanding and a question to which she could not find an answer: “What should I do? How to react to this? What next?” And then the thoughts rushed: “How could he? For what? ...and so on in a circle.” A crisis came to Margarita’s family. That happens. And here it is necessary to clearly understand that everything that happens in life is deserved and there is a reason for everything. And most importantly, no matter how difficult the situation is, you can do something about it. Even if not as soon as you want, but everything is possible. You should accept what has already happened (stopping wasting yourself on thoughts: “Why? Isn’t he ashamed? I did so much for him and blabla). Remember, there is always a reason for everything. Then you can speculate what the reason could be. It is important at these stages of processing not to “fall into self-pity.” We love to suffer - this is a natural process, but now, if you want to return to your correct state of mind, suffering will not help you. And one more important point that I would like to talk about - so that on the way to overcome the situation, you are not alone. A girlfriend (here, make sure you don’t suffer as a partner), a coach (his right questions will keep you on your toes), reflections “with yourself on paper.” Good luck to the right state of mind. With ❤ Larisa Zamyatina, coaching psychologist consultant, I am happy to give out “magic kick-offs” I work both personally (locally in the western region) and through messages/letters (a whole week with a one-time payment or one day) Sign up for a consultation: +7 921 025 5558 WhatsApp: +7 921 025 5558 Link to group: https://vk.com/zamyatinalae-mail: [email protected] #psychologist#coachzamyatina#coachVN#femininity#happywoman#happyfamily#women's psychology#training for women#women's development#relationships between man and woman❤❤❤
