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From the author: I am always interested in your feedback on the article! Today, the number of hyperactive children has increased sharply. And although a small child is characterized by a rapid change of activity, and the older the child, the more he learns to control his actions, we sometimes encounter the opposite. Hyperactive, from the very meaning - over active, restless. Children with hyperactivity, as a rule, are not very patient; they find it difficult to wait (for example, in a clinic, such children are easy to notice right away). This becomes especially disturbing for the child when he goes to school. Children cannot sit at a desk for a long time; they will always find something to do, that is, such a child rarely sits quietly. He is constantly in motion, moving his arms, turning something or pulling something out. Likes to distract others, chat, have fun, joke. For such children, a rare change of activity is like torture; they constantly need to be on the move, change the pace and the very activity in which they are currently engaged. These children constantly need new experiences. A hyperactive child can consistently and purposefully engage in one thing only after significant physical activity. How can parents cope with this feature and still develop perseverance and calmness in the child? Certainly a pleasant and interesting activity for him is a game. In the gameplay, include actions where there is movement and stopping, different qualities of movements: fast - slow, smooth - sharp, chaotic - directed, spontaneous and planned. For example, a game like “Owls and Mice”, where mice run, jump and have fun until the owl arrives. As soon as the presenter arrives in the role of the Owl, the mice must hide or fall asleep and sit quietly, quietly, while the owl “flies” above them. The owl goes to bed, and the mice can frolic again. Come up with different game situations where you can combine polarities. The game “Whirlpool” is where children are fish who swim for some time in the planned flow of the river, and suddenly there is a seething whirlpool in front of them and the fish need to move very quickly after each other or behind the leader. And again fall into the smooth flow of the hand, gently moving your arms and body. Or this game with fog. Imagine that there is fog in the city and you can’t see anything, and therefore you need to move very slowly without bumping into objects. Suddenly the bright sun came out and you can move quickly. And here comes the fog and clouds again... It’s very cool for boys to play the game “Conquerors”, alternating the time when the little boys sit in ambush or crawl quietly and very slowly so that the enemy does not notice them, and then suddenly run, taking the enemy by surprise, and again hiding. It’s very cool to play soap bubbles by changing the order of blowing soap bubbles and the ability to catch them. This is a particularly favorite game. You can also blow up balloons and play with them. It will be useful to play with sand and water, with different grains for pouring and modeling from them figures on a sheet of paper or geometric shapes, or letters. Play the game “Corrector”. Take unwanted magazines or newspapers and give a dark marker or line to your child. Make a letter and tell him about it. The latter’s task is to find and color this letter in the words. And then switch roles so that the child can keep track of the time (an hourglass, or the second hand on a watch). Through play and a cheerful mood, much more useful can be done than through reproaches and comments. After all, controlling a child all the time is not easy either. Be loved and love your children!
