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Personally, I am not very friendly towards a documented document, probably because of the fear of compliance/inconsistency with what is written, and what will happen if... For me, everything related to framed and limited behavior causes a state of tension. As a result, in my family there is no marriage contract. And I usually skimmed through articles written about marriage agreements (contracts) and happily forgot about them. And of course, a magical moment came, which prompted me to think about this topic. Why? Working with married couples or with individual requests on the topic of family life and partnerships, I noticed an interesting pattern: many conflicts in the family occur due to a discrepancy between the expected behavior of a partner and his actual behavior. For example: He - I thought that you would cook food at home. She - I cook, remember last year I fried potatoes? or: She - I thought that you would always meet me from work. He - I always met you from work during the courtship period, but now I can’t do this all the time (and don’t want to), because... I'm getting tired myself. Accordingly, the continuation is a barrage of reproaches and a complete misunderstanding. And in continuation - a comparison “like my parents”: “but my dad always...” or “my mother always...” Of course, I exaggerate the examples a little, but I retain the meaning. It turns out that when young people decide to create their own union, they are guided by the parental scenario of family life (if the scenario does not suit them, then an “anti-scenario” arises). What you can do:1. choose the best from what was in your parental family.2. add your expectations and wishes (preferably realistic).3. painstakingly, in detail, with respect and understanding for each other, talk together on all points, while realizing that it is at this moment that the birth of your family with your unspoken rules takes place. During the period of relationship formation, it is important to understand and discuss with your future husband/wife (and not with your girlfriend or boyfriend) your ideas about marriage.
