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What is guilt? True guilt is a feeling sent to us by conscience. When we do something wrong that is contrary to the Word of God, we feel remorse. Remorse was given to us by God in order to recognize good from evil, right actions from sinful ones, to realize where we are right or wrong. Repentance leads to freedom. It reconciles us with God and with people. True guilt gives us the understanding to change our behavior and attitude towards life. What is self-flagellation or false guilt, shame, self-condemnation? This feeling is the opposite of true guilt. When we ask for forgiveness from those whom we have offended for some reason, we are prompted to do so by a feeling of guilt, conscience. But when thoughts return again with a reminder of what we did in the past, a feeling of condemnation and unforgiveness towards ourselves, then , what haunts us, closes us, torments us is a feeling of shame and self-condemnation. We need to deal with this feeling the sooner the better. Shame, self-flagellation or self-condemnation are not a message from God, but from evil. It is evil that sends us negative thoughts, doubts like: “...are you forgiven?” or “Are you worthy of forgiveness?”, which lead people into the trap of self-judgment, unforgiveness or “self-blame.” How to get rid of feelings of shame or self-condemnation? - determine the source of your guilt. .- analyze what kind of guilt is hidden: true or self-condemnation? - if you have caused damage to someone, compensate it. - thank God that He forgives every sin if we confess it. “If we confess our sins, He, being faithful and righteous, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9) - believe God for the fact that He forgives forever and remembers our sins no more. , even if you don't feel forgiven. “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our iniquities from us” (Psalm 102:12). - let go of the past and everything is connected with it. You can’t change the past, but you can make a DECISION not to look at it again. - stand firm and don’t doubt, no matter what happens, or no matter what thoughts distract you. Just tell yourself every time you need to: “Everything has passed, now everything is new. I am different, I am forgiven, and I no longer care about who I was. I will not return there again, even mentally.” - make an effort to update your way of thinking, lifestyle (read positive and educational literature, if necessary, seek help from a specialist, pray, etc.) - learn to see those in yourself the virtues and qualities are placed in you by God. And every time ask yourself and others the question: “Who am I or who are you to judge another?” After all, there are no perfect people without “sin.”".
