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The life of each of us is filled with an incredible combination of interests, aspirations, activities, works, desires and achievements. But how to find your balance among all this and be able to maintain it? How to maintain a happy medium between business and other areas life? Some people single out one area, directing all their efforts into professional growth. For some, self-development and personal growth are extremely important. Some strive only to improve relationships or improve health. For others, the search for new experiences or, conversely, the acquisition of security and peace. Each of you puts something of his own at the forefront of life. But it often happens that while rushing forward in some direction, a person neglects other significant areas of life. And then he suffers, worries, regrets the lost years/time/opportunities. Have you heard about the wheel of Samsara? What about the 125 levels of development of a person and his soul? Do you know what level you are at now... Today I have prepared a short video for you, as well as a master class on how to create your own wheel of well-being and, with its help, achieve balance in all areas. Devoting oneself completely to children or family often lags behind the growth and development of internal, creative potential. By devoting maximum time to work and business, a person forgets about inner relaxation, the ability to enjoy life, forgets about health, loses joy and satisfaction. The state of your inner fullness and balance depends on the harmonious combination of different components in life. It may seem that if you save time and strength on one thing, then we will be able to invest more and more in other areas of life. This is not entirely true. We can, but for the time being. If you want to develop as a harmonious, holistic person, you need to develop all aspects of life and find happiness in different areas: HealthMoneyBeautyCreativityEmotional well-beingProfessional growthLovePersonal and spiritual growthSelf-knowledgeRelationshipsPartners, friends, helpersPurpose and much more. How many of these areas are you currently “working on”? You may object: “How can you manage all this at the same time? Where can you get so much time and energy? “And you try to relieve internal tension, weaken your “controller”, and you will see how much energy will be released. Do inspiring things - this will fill you with energy. Set goals for each area of ​​​​life where you see failure . An active and developing person discovers his versatility and depth by doing many and very different things. Imagine that you are an agile gymnast who is constantly in search of balance between the centers of life. Ask yourself questions: How well do you balance? What areas of your life are “failing”? Where do you need additional efforts to maintain balance? I spend a lot of time working with clients on creating and maintaining a balance between life and business. We make sure to compile a “Wheel of Well-Being according to BAGUA”. We take the 8 main areas of a person’s life and check them for “as is” and “as we would like.” Where a person fails, we define goals - how it should be in order to level out this side of life. Then we determine the first steps and move towards the desired result. The request to find balance is one of the most frequent in my practice. Especially among people who have leveled up their material sphere, created a successful business, but have missed out on relationships, personal and spiritual growth, and have lost a sense of happiness and joy in life. If the theme of finding and maintaining balance in life resonates with you; If you see that in the pursuit of a career, successful business and material benefits, other important areas of life are missed/failed; If you understand that a happy, self-sufficient and holistic person must be able to maintain balance business, spiritual and personal growth; If you are ready to devote time and resources to this and you understand that without a mentor, alone, this path can be long and fruitless. I invite you to a Diagnostic consultation. To get a consultation for free, you need.
