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"Poor thing - she’s so smart, two higher degrees, language at a decent conversational level - could make a brilliant career and join the ranks of successful business women..., but I settled on diapers and undershirts...” “So what if she inspires her husband and helps him in every possible way in his professional fulfillment... but what about herself?... Yes, a wonderful wife and mother... but she could have achieved more!... it’s a pity... " - Quite often, in the circle of the closest people, you can hear such comments (usually about people who are absent at the moment, but, of course, dear to us), expressions of their sympathy or regret about. Or, for example: “... poor thing, with his head in work, everyone comes up with something, creates, manages..., but what the hell, you ask?... and all this because there is nothing else... - there is no love, and there is no time for love... But what is the main thing for a woman? - and we ourselves answer: “Family, children, husband... And all these feminist conversations and movements are due to lack of fulfillment in personal life...” Example three. How often do we look successful in the eyes, and in the opinion of the public: and when things seem to be going great, and we have achieved everything ourselves..., but in reality “you want to howl” (you recognize the quote from your favorite movie)? Now we should reveal two sides of the coin “To be or not to be a CAREER”, talk about CHOICE, about what people pay for who are doing well, ugh, ugh, ugh, things are going at work. Probably, it would be easiest to write the pros and cons of a career. And what? People who are successful careerists will certainly find consolation in this, on the one hand (and will regard this article as an excuse for life’s one-sidedness published in the media), and people for whom a career and active work activity in general is something alien, even scary... may be a little attractive, but still the plans are far from promising... - and here is such a successful analysis - it will act like a pill that helps you find rapture in your own limitations. There are different people: ambitious and not so, active and not so, brave and not very ...effective and successful, too, to varying degrees...but absolutely everyone wants to be happy! The question is: do we have enough fulfillment in only one area to be happy? There is an opinion that there are no completely happy people. You cannot be happy in your personal life and successful professionally at the same time. And if such examples appear who have the courage to claim the full realization of their personality..., then all the same this is perceived critically, with distrust... they say that they are holding back something, “being a fraternity”. Is it possible to talk about a successful careerist and an unsuccessful person? Can a person be successful in business as such if there are areas of life that are alien to him, unexplored, unrealized, sometimes even unfamiliar? If you yourself are unhappy in some way, is it possible to make others happy? And is it possible to create a successful business while having internal dissatisfaction? as individuals? Ambiguous and controversial. Is it worth being so categorical? After all, our life is not only “white” or “black” - it is colored! And this is our LIFE! and how great it is to see it in colors, to live in joy, to feel inner peace and harmony, to live fully and QUALITY! Nikolai Ivanovich Kozlov, in his book “THE FORMULA OF SUCCESS or the Philosophy of Life of an Effective Person,” gives a wonderful, if you like, “term”: "UNIVERSAL BUSINESSMAN". How? Is it possible? A lot of business or a lot of love? ;)) Or maybe a lot of strength, hands, and you manage to embrace the immensity? Let's figure it out - for myself I explain it this way: business is, in our opinion, BUSINESS... a businessman is a person who has business, tasks , responsibilities, goals. A universal businessman is a person who conducts “business” well in all directions, has relationships with different areas of life... in the most positive sense of the word... Of course, being successful in everything, and especially at once, is still a challenge. On the other hand: is it worth it all at once? Is it necessary? It’s worth it, you don’t even need to figure out what this “Everything” is, if necessaryfeed your ambitions exclusively with success. There may be success, but will there be calm satisfaction and inner joy from what has been achieved? Dreams come true, tasks are solved, plans are realized when there is a goal - it is your goal - big, sincere, high - and always yours, from the heart! Understanding yourself and getting to know it (goal) is your task. Everyone can have their own intermediate steps to their goal and in different sequences. Luck and success, according to all the highest laws probably known to you, will not keep you waiting if THIS is what you are doing now, you really need it... for further development. And let someone have a family and a child - your fortress and people to whom you can dedicate your further success, or a career - a reliable foundation for your success, on which you will create and build your happy future. Clearly knowing, seeing, realizing, what is important to you, how you see yourself and your life; By constantly analyzing and adjusting the direction of your activities, it is possible to develop your own future strategy that will work! What kind of sacrifices can we talk about then, if what you do today is a joy for you, your sincere, not imposed by anyone, is for your tomorrow. Condition: your serious attitude towards yourself, trust and sincerity, again before yourself. This is unusual for us, often there is no time, frankly difficult... By following our main life goals, we find harmony, joy, pleasure. How? Everyone has their own recipe. Someone meditates, someone reads, someone goes to trainings and communicates... We have a task at the trainings: a table - which shows general goals that people can strive for: for example: Love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one person), Happy family life, Interesting work, Social recognition (respect for others, the team, comrades), Productive life (maximum use of one’s capabilities, strengths and abilities), Self-confidence (inner harmony, freedom from internal contradictions, doubts), etc. .d.With the help of this task, participants prioritize the most vital and relevant goals for themselves, assess the degree of implementation of the most important goals at the moment, analyze how many actual resources we spend to implement, again, truly priority life goals for us. In my opinion, the most valuable thing is that during the training we find time to look into ourselves, think about ourselves, our desires and priorities. I’ll tell you about myself. At first I was surprised. How is it possible that I spent so much time and effort on something that I actually didn’t remember when I really thought about it? Many questions and contradictions arose, and at the same time many explanations... If some goals, some values ​​are really important to me, then why do I use almost all of my potential for others? No one has yet come up with a universal recipe for happiness, the most optimal algorithm for life success - so far , unfortunately, too... even speaking about unambiguous opinions on this topic is somehow wrong. And happiness is different for everyone... and goals for some are so dear to others - for others they are completely alien and incomprehensible. Let it go. Everyone has their own path and their own “career”. Men begin to master the personal sphere - after they have created a career, understood business, learned to understand what a business partner wants, negotiate, and think strategically in the professional sphere. Women, on the contrary, go into business they come after they have learned, again, to understand their partner and themselves (what kind of partner they actually need and why), skillfully negotiate, vary in order to confidently occupy their own niche (after all, as we know, even on a personal level, women have much higher competition: remember - “for ten girls there are nine guys J) I wonder, is it possible to make a career in the family? Those. consider the family as a sphere of activity, and your family happiness as a business plan, and the development strategy can still be outlined for 20 years in advanceJ) Is it easy to make sure that your partner really is.
