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It’s very strange for me, as a person who grew up in the 2000s, to observe the widespread love for astrology, affirmations and all this. For the life of me, I don’t understand how we got away from rigid scientism (in some places reaching the point of delirium ) have descended into affirmations and comments like “I don’t claim any negative energy from this video.” Seriously, scroll through tiktok, there’s a ton of this stuff there. You can even find classics in the style of Kashpirovsky, about cleaning the aura through video. We just have to wait for the water to charge. I think at this rate we will reach a boom in the popularity of homeopathy. Just a couple of years ago I thought that everyone was fighting against pseudoscience, fighting imaginary dragons and telling obvious things. Don’t think, I’m not a rabid hater. I was quite closely acquainted with the esoteric movement for the first half of my life. I managed to look and understand that it doesn’t work. Then he became a psychologist and began to understand what psychological phenomena influence those who believe in it. Well, okay. But my complaints do not end with the poor believers in astrology. Lately I have been accustoming myself to writing texts. I’m trying to develop my own style, to erase the university bureaucracy. As usual among us, wannabe scribblers, I listen to Ilyakhov. I don’t want to read his books, I can’t, I won’t (hello, Misha Labkovsky). Nudity. Although maybe with “Clear, understandable” it will be better, we’ll see. Well, that’s it. In one interview he talked about the shape of the earth and you, of course, understand where this is all leading. They started discussing critical thinking with the interviewer and that’s all. Like, our generation is quite critically thinking. However, I strongly disagree with this. Absolutely. There are a lot of thinking errors, and not everyone can build cause-and-effect relationships. And the distrust of such “critical thinkers” in astrology, opponents of GMOs, etc. is based purely on faith. There is often no reasoning and such a critic immediately begins to float when the market astrologer asks to “explain for the market.” That’s all I’m talking about. Our critical thinking is bad in 2022 and it’s not getting any better. But this, of course, is imhogoshapsy.ru - personal website
