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Emotions are a property organically inherent in every person. Everything that a person encounters in everyday life evokes certain feelings and emotions in him. A person is happy, sad, sentimental or indifferent, angry and surprised. Emotions determine the quality of life for all people. The ability to interpret other people's moods and feelings is an important social skill. When communicating with other people, a person, to a large extent, relies on “reading” emotions. Sometimes consciously, but more often “automatically”, a person receives information about the interlocutor by analyzing his facial expressions and gestures - what expresses his experiences. Misinterpretation of affect can lead to misunderstandings and inappropriate social behavior. For humans, facial expressions provide important indicators of emotion. Basic emotions are expressed and recognized in this way all over the world. Early experiments on emotion mostly used static images of faces (photographs). However, dynamic information can improve the ecological perception of faces and their changes under the influence of emotions. Movement may have a general effect on the perception of faces. For example, simple eye movements can form a dynamic representation of facial expressions of emotion. Researchers are studying the role of movement in both the recognition of emotional and structural features of the face. To test the hypothesis about the role of movement in the perception of faces, the method of image morphing (photos of a man's face expressing various emotions) was used. Image morphing is a method of processing and visualizing images used to calculate the transformation from one image to another. The idea is to create a sequence of intermediate images that, when combined with the original images, represent a transition from one image to another. In a morphing sequence between two images of, for example, a person, the average often looks striking similar to reality, but, of course, it is not. The image in the middle is half influenced by the left and half influenced by the right image. The images in the sequence can be shown as a dynamic process (video). Morphing between two images achieves best results if the images have approximately the same shape and colors, for example, morphing from a tree to a cat cannot lead to such a good transition as when morphing one object in different states. In this case, the average image may look strange because it has no equivalent in the real world. Morphing is used not only for entertainment purposes, but also for educational purposes. To solve problems of assessing emotions, from subtle to strong, clinicians and researchers use computer-based morphing procedures (programs). In order to create and study the dynamic sequence of the morphing process, the computer program Abrosoft FantaMorph (ver. 5.4.7 Deluxe) was used. Abrosoft FantaMorph is a powerful software for creating animated images with a morphing effect and various image deformations. This software for morphing it has enormous capabilities with a diverse set of functions. FantaMorph puts an elegant and simple interface within the hobbyist's reach. Powerful yet easy-to-use tools easily transform sequences of two or more images while previewing them in real time. The color cycle tool, for example, makes it easier to label key points in each image in a sequence by rotating the default green points into the rainbow spectrum, making it easier to distinguish the placement of individual points in corresponding images. FantaMorph supports most image formats, including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG , PSD, GIF, TGA, PCX and even professional 32-bit with alpha formats. Export to Image Sequence is supported,.
