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From the author: Continuation of articles about confidence. A clear boundary between confident, insecure and self-confident behavior. With an example from life. Earlier we talked about how to become confident. Well, to win, you need to know the enemy by sight. So, more about all aspects of behavior. In theory it looks very simple. For example, like a watermelon. Here it is in the picture. Dark green stripes - uncertainty. This is fussiness, fear, embarrassment, shifting eyes, a trembling voice. An insecure person is silent when he wants to speak. Agrees when he decides to refuse. He finds it difficult to make a choice, and when he has made his decision, he worries that he made a mistake. Responsibility in such a situation is shifted (they forced me... it’s a hopeless situation, etc.) It’s interesting that uncertainty is often hidden behind allegories: jokes, for example. Let's say that an insecure person wants to get more hearts under this article, more “likes” and “reposts”. He could have turned it into a joke: “Help poor little pig Funtik with a like!” Or in the address of an insecure person, pleading notes would appear: “Guys, please repost, it will only take a second!” I think you noticed the diminutive suffixes. Yes, yes, a sign of an insecure person - he seems to be trying to show himself as small, and the request as trivial. (There is a hidden meaning here: if they refuse, it’s not very scary - the request was small and the refusal turns out to be insignificant... self-esteem was almost not damaged! ) Avoid understatement, speak directly if you want to come across as a confident person! Unsure Ron Weasley (For experts: Yes, Neville would be even better... But that natural bungler, this is still different) If we cut a watermelon, the color red will appear. The color of self-confidence. This is anger, pressure, shouting, threats, contempt. A self-confident person behaves as if he knows everything, is successful in everything, and is always perfect. He presses and looks down on you. Rarely listens to other people's opinions and looks down on others. Often such a person growls at those people who have accused him of weaknesses. When making a decision, such a person will make every effort to “make the world bend under us” - to admit the error of the choice or change it - for a self-confident person it’s like death. For an example with reposts: What, it’s weak to show your confidence and post this article on all your social networks . Are you afraid that they will think something wrong about you? Come on, give it a like! This behavior will be discussed in more detail in a separate article, “Pitfalls of Overconfidence.” Self-confident Draco Malfoy And, of course, there are light green stripes - this is confidence. A confident person radiates calmness, is open in communication, and chooses what he likes. He may ask for help, or he may refuse the request. Of course, he knows how to control himself: he controls his emotions, he speaks thoughtfully. If a confident person needs a pause, he will say: “I need to think about it, let’s discuss it later.” A confident person takes responsibility for his decisions. The key point, it seems to me, is precisely the opportunity (ability) to make a choice and bear responsibility for it. A confident person will simply say: guys, if you like this article, if you find it useful and/or interesting, repost from my website to any social network. I will be very grateful. Confident Harry Potter PS: Of course, in different situations the heroes given as examples behave differently. I tried to choose facial expressions that corresponded to the type of behavior being described. PPS: Don’t forget about reposts, please! :)
