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Perhaps each of us knows what complexes are. But not everyone admits to those complexes that live in him and thereby prevent a person from living. Complexes arise for various reasons, but always on the same basis - dislike for oneself. Complexes are desires, feelings, qualities driven into the depths of oneself. It is these qualities that become the measure of life for a person and those around him. (“I’m fat, that’s why I’m not married. Only slim people find a husband and are happy in marriage.”) Consequences of complexes Complexes interfere with life. They hinder a person’s personal development. It is because of complexes that a person cannot decide to take any action. If you do not fight complexes, they can destroy a personality - make a person passive, lacking initiative; lead to depression. This is why it is necessary to fight complexes. The tips below will help in such a struggle. Feel your importance First of all, you need to gain self-confidence, to do this, feel your importance in some matter. And since it is easier to achieve greater heights in activities that bring joy, devote more time to hobbies or work. Or maybe you can turn a hobby into your favorite job? You need to feel that you are doing something better than others. Record your successes Keep a special diary where you will record your own successes, describe how you achieved them and what feelings you experienced. Such a diary will raise your self-esteem, and in some difficult situations, perhaps, become a guide to action. Change values ​​Often, the desired quality becomes a measure of happiness for a complex person. It seems to a person that if he were tall, had a legal education, or had slimmer legs, his life would change dramatically. But that's not true. What makes a career is not height (even as a basketball player), but knowledge and hard work. Although beautiful legs will attract a man, they will not be able to keep him. And in family life other qualities are valued. Don’t compare Never compare yourself. Especially with actors, TV presenters and other media figures. Firstly, you see in them what they let you see. Only they and their loved ones know the truth about celebrities. Secondly, a whole regiment of professionals works on their image: stylists, hairdressers, nutritionists. They are taught to take advantageous poses for photo and video lenses. After all, looking good is part of their job. Therefore, there is no need to torment yourself with such comparisons. It’s better to find a highlight in your appearance and try to “beat” it.More psychological self-help articles HERE>>
