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From the author: This article is dedicated to what character qualities you need to develop in yourself in order to attract financial success into your life. Because. The entire article turned out to be quite voluminous, I will post it in parts. Today my little daughter (2 years old) and I once again watched a cartoon about Pinocchio. I have always loved this fairy tale for its kindness, positivity, warm aftertaste and faith in a bright future. The main character always seemed to me like such a charming simpleton, who was simply incredibly lucky and became successful without doing anything special for this, but only getting into trouble. But when I watched it today, it literally dawned on me! Pinocchio only seems like a naive, lucky simpleton, but in fact he is a rare owner of a combination of certain personal qualities that attracted this success to him! Such a story could not happen to any other boy, and it simply could NOT happen to Pinocchio! Now let’s learn more about what I noticed in this fairy tale after 30 (!!!!) years of knowing it and what I want to share now in this article. And what, in fact, always lay on the surface and you just had to NOTICE it. For ease of understanding, I will format the article in a numbered list. Who is Papa Carlo and why is he a beggar in his old age? Papa Carlo is the people's embodiment of hard work; he works constantly, without weekends or holidays, without breaks for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He has absolutely nothing to eat in his closet! He is rarely at home, and when he is, he works there. He is very talented, he was able to create a living creature from a dead tree WITHOUT MUCH EFFORT! With such talent, he could become the richest man in the world! But he is catastrophically poor... What's the catch? And it turns out that everything is very simple! With all the brilliance of his talent, with fantastic hard work and perseverance, he absolutely does not understand the real value of either his gift or the meager material wealth that he possesses! He completely lacks a commercial spirit, the ability to adequately sell his skills. He can walk through the courtyards for at least two hundred years in both heat and cold, but it’s not a fact that he will earn enough for dinner... How sad Carlo’s situation is becomes clear from the episode when he sells his jacket, which served him well for some time and, judging by the fact that the poor fellow had not yet died from the cold, it was in decent enough condition for sale. He manages to get her the alphabet and an onion for her. Some might say that the condition of the jacket could have been so poor that this was the only thing that could be purchased. Let's say. But let's think logically. First, let's convert the fabulous currency into Russian rubles. Then let's look around. Sometimes there are free jackets lying around in city landfills that could, if desired, be sold for 500-700 rubles, or even more. If we take it as an axiom that life is still a fair thing and it was too early for Carlo to die, I think that he had just such a jacket. So, let’s say he sold it for 700 rubles, although he could have sold it for 1000 if he wanted, but the cat and the fox would have been sold for 5000. What kind of food can you buy with that? As a person who has nothing to do with education, he bought the alphabet clearly the cheapest, the price of which is 300-400 rubles. There are still 300-400 rubles left, where are they? Or was there a “golden” onion? Unlike his unfortunate father, Pinocchio himself intuitively understands the price of material things well and has a good commercial spirit and a moderate desire for his own benefit, as well as a very flexible thinking, which allows him to successfully conduct business negotiations. All these features are clearly presented in the episode where he sells the alphabet and buys a theater ticket. To make it more clear, for simplicity, let’s compare the Karabas mobile theater with a circus. The cheapest ticket to the circus costs about 500 rubles. Pinocchio got a ticket to the first row, they are the most expensive, i.e. 4 soldi is approximately 2000 rubles. Judge for yourself how much the son increased his father's income on the second day of his life. Bravo, guy! Not many…
