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Somehow it happened that I almost never write about women and feminine things. Well, sort of, not really my topic, but not today 😊You can often hear the archaic expression “weaker sex”, which arose in those days when men “ruled”, when the measure of strength was brute, physical strength and power based on violence .But, even then, as you know, behind every “strong” man there was a “weak” woman who either gave him strength, inspired, or rejected him, giving him motivation to act ambitiously and effectively. That is, almost everything that men did, even when women were considered the “weaker sex”, they, in one way or another, did for women, thanks to them or in spite of them (trying to prove that they were worthy) The fact that behind every strong, ambitious, realized man stands a strong, wise, loving, an inspiring woman is not a new thing, but I want to draw attention to the fact that behind every aggressive-destructive, dangerous to others, desperate, depressed, insecure, anxious man, devoid of a sense of strength and creative energy, there is an aggressive, intolerant, tough, controlling , a suppressive, frustrating, rejecting, indifferent woman who has lost harmony. And this is by no means an accusation, my beloved and respected women with all my heart! But rather, my attempt to draw your attention to the fact that it is your harmony, balance, feminine, soft power and wisdom that have a decisive influence on the creation, formation and maintenance of the harmony of our world. Yes, I am absolutely convinced that such qualities as love, acceptance, gratitude, the ability to reconcile, unite, harmonize are the most important qualities for the formation of a harmonious atmosphere, an environment in which only a harmonious world can be created. If more active, assertive, aggressive men, “forge”, create the external form of this world, then women are largely responsible for the atmosphere in which the external form of our world is created, and they intuitively feel this, constantly listening to their inner space, to their soul, so that it is in harmony, and as soon as something goes wrong, they sound the alarm and try to change something in themselves. That is why 70-80% of clients of psychologists, psychotherapists, esotericists, healers, astrologers are women! This increased interest in one’s mental state is not weakness, not infantilism, not sentimentality, but a high degree of responsibility, an intuitive feeling of one’s most important role in the formation of a harmonious world, at the level of family, clan, community, country, humanity.
