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People who systematically take alcohol or drugs experience biochemical disturbances in the brain. The production of beta endorphins - their own molecules of joy - is possible for them only after taking the next “dose”. Unlike ordinary people, they show reduced alpha brain activity on the EEG in a sober state. Often such people have a constantly high level of internal tension, an acute reaction to ordinary everyday difficulties, and need alcohol or drugs as a tranquilizer. Regular audio-visual stimulation allows you to restore normal bioelectrical activity of the brain in such individuals (T. Budzinsky 1992). Training in the alpha and theta ranges, which increases the production of beta endorphins by 10-15%, restores the natural ability of patients to experience an adequate sense of pleasure and joy without taking a mandatory dose of alcohol or drugs. Consequently, psychological and then physical dependence decreases (E. Peniston, 1989). D. Matthew and P. Kelly (2001) report that audio-visual stimulation not only relieves hangover and eliminates cravings for alcohol, but also improves the quality of psychological response of former alcoholics (improvement on the scales of hypochondria, depression, hysteria, psychopathy, MMPI test paranoia). Unlike drug therapy, ABC training produces long-term results. The ABC procedure can be repeated as often as necessary, based on the patient’s well-being. Habituation and dependence on ABC do not develop. In practice, at least 30-40 sessions are required to obtain a lasting and prolonged effect. Our device "Navigator" is already actively used in addiction treatment and has proven itself as a modern, reliable and effective tool in the fight against chemical addiction.
