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Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that we repeat to ourselves in order to change our thinking and behavior. They can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as increasing self-esteem, improving health, or attracting success. The history of affirmations goes back to ancient times. The idea of ​​using positive affirmations to change thinking and behavior is present in various cultures and religions. In Hinduism and Buddhism, mantras are used - repeated phrases or sounds that help achieve a state of meditation and inner peace. Modern understanding and use of affirmations is associated with the development of psychology and psychotherapy. In the 20th century, American pharmacist and psychologist Emil Quain proposed using positive affirmations as a tool for changing negative thoughts and attitudes. He believed that positive affirmations could help reprogram the subconscious mind and achieve desired results. Over time, affirmations have become popular in self-development and personal growth. They have been incorporated into various techniques and practices such as positive psychology, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and cognitive behavioral therapy. The scientific approach to affirmations is sometimes controversial. Some studies support their effectiveness, indicating positive changes in thinking, emotional state and behavior in people who regularly use affirmations. They can help improve self-esteem, confidence and motivation. However, there are studies that have not found significant results regarding the effectiveness of affirmations. There are scientists who believe that positive statements can be ineffective if they contradict our internal beliefs or cause resistance. Although affirmations have a long history and there is research supporting their effectiveness, the scientific approach to them is still controversial. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of affirmations may depend on individual characteristics and use in each specific case. It is best to experiment with affirmations and observe their effects on yourself to determine whether they work for you or not. But this is a long period of time. There are positive affirmations that motivate and are aimed at achieving certain goals, or to improve general condition and health. The influence of affirmations on a person’s life can be, but not always, significant and positive. Affirmations help change our thinking. We are often susceptible to negative thoughts and doubts that can limit our potential and prevent us from achieving our goals. Affirmations allow you to replace those negative thoughts with positive and confident statements. For example, instead of thinking, “I can’t handle this task,” we can repeat to ourselves, “I can solve any problem.” In this case, affirmations help us develop positive thinking and self-confidence. Also, affirmations can influence our behavior. When we repeat statements to ourselves that we are capable of achieving certain goals, we begin to act in a more determined manner. For example, if we repeat to ourselves, “I am confident and deserve success,” then we will be more motivated and determined to achieve success. Affirmations help us develop positive habits and actions that lead to desired results. Additionally, affirmations can affect our emotional intelligence. When we repeat positive statements to ourselves, we begin to believe them and feel better. For example, if we repeat to ourselves, “I love and accept myself for who I am,” then we begin to develop confidence and self-acceptance. Affirmations help us develop positive emotions and improve our emotional state. Repeating positive statements allows us to develop motivation and self-confidence. But do not confuse affirmations with auto-training. Affirmations and auto-training are two»!
