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Today I will write about such an unpleasant, but familiar to us all feeling as powerlessness. What it is, and where the forces go, I will write at the end, but I’ll start with what it is NOT: - fatigue. If you unloaded a car of coal or wrote a 20-page term paper in 3 hours, you may be devastated, exhausted, feel the universal tired, and the only thing you want is rest, good, quality rest. Rested - and you are cheerful and full of energy again. It doesn’t work that way with impotence, rest is not a joy, and lying on the bed does not increase your strength. - apathy Apathy is not related to anything specific in life. Everything is meaningless, but equally meaningless. Powerlessness appears in response to some situation, to some person, before the need to take on some business, etc. - humility When you see that you cannot change the situation and are ready to accept it, you direct your strength and energy to other things. And this is the main difference from powerlessness, where there is no talk of any acceptance, and, as a result, it is impossible to either take on the solution to the problem or leave it as it is and do something else. So what is it? Powerlessness is essentially suppressed rage. It appears when we do not dare to direct our aggression, but we also do not want to give up our resentment. If my boss annoys me, but I can’t answer his rude, stupid jokes, then all that remains is to use all my strength not to drag him down. Therefore, there is no strength left for anything else - I am too busy holding back my anger. And many people manage to push their anger so deep that they don’t even suspect it’s there. Such poor lambs - so cute, cute and completely toothless. Usually, powerlessness goes away when you manage to touch and feel your original emotions - irritation, anger or, for example, resentment. And then the opportunity to choose appears. Maybe it’s time to send your boss to a known address and quit your job, which you’re tired of anyway? Or is it better to stick to work and maintain inner harmony by pouring out all your rage on a punching bag at the end of the working day? Or just spit on the boss, accept the fact that the world is full of not the nicest people and is generally not very fair, and stop paying attention to him (and then come to that same humility)? What to choose, everyone decides for themselves, but any of these options is better, it seems to me, than being stuck in an intermediate position and every time your terrible boss appears, feeling like your hands become weak and the whole weight of the mortal world falls on your shoulders.
