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From the author: analysis of relationships Lately, I have been increasingly faced with relationship problems. People come to counseling with the problem: “I hate my spouse.” And to the question: “What exactly don’t you like?” they don’t know what to answer. Today I want to offer a test for self-diagnosis of relationships. With this test you can find the most traumatic topics. And you will be able to work with this material independently, making adjustments to certain areas of your life. The ideal option for passing this test is for you to examine your life, explore the life of your partner and explore your life together, and then compare these options. But if you do just one option, I think there will be more food for thought. Colleague psychologists, I hear your indignation: “What, there are no decent tests on relationships? Why bother with this?” But believe me, I saw how it works for my clients, what insights come - she hated her husband, and then it turned out that she did not devote time to her personal development. And everything, as cut off, the husband, as it turned out, had nothing to do with it. So, for diagnosis, I took the well-known “Wheel of Life” test. Life is divided into 8 spheres, and your task is to evaluate the satisfaction of each sphere on a scale from 0 to 10 points. Many will say nonsense, because in each area there are hundreds of components hidden, but for the other half of the readers this will be enough. Therefore, we either try it or delete the test into the trash - the choice is yours. Believe me, this is labor-intensive work, but it will help you understand the relationship without a specialist. Understand where to direct energy and resources to improve the situation. Let's start. 1. Family. Probably one of the most difficult areas of life. This includes interaction in everyday life (the notorious men's socks, a tube of toothpaste and a toilet lid,...), the sex life of spouses, the ability to interact and find a common language with children, living conditions, relationships with parents. Try to evaluate all the above sub-areas and derive the arithmetic average2. Friends. Are you satisfied with your interactions with friends? Do you need their presence in your life? Do you meet often? Do you have close friends together? How do you like to spend time with friends - boys separately, girls separately, or do you like to go out into nature with friends and play volleyball over a barbecue? What place do friends occupy in your life together when making important decisions? Do you have a sufficient number of friends or did all your friends “get lost” after the wedding? Or maybe all your friends are work colleagues whom you see 5 days a week and that’s more than enough? 3. Health. How do you both feel about health? Do you care about your health? Do you do exercises together, or maybe your family starts jogging together in the morning? How do you both feel about various health systems? Do you practice any of them? Can we say that you always support the initiatives of another if they relate to improving health (for example, changing eating habits (vegetarianism, fasting), yoga, stretching, massage, etc.)4. Hobby. Think about how often you give vent to your creative energy. Does each spouse have a hobby, or maybe you have a common hobby? Maybe you are great at taking photographs, or maybe you like to come up with interesting dishes together? How much time do you devote to hobbies? How often do you communicate with like-minded people? Do you have any hobbies in your life or do your life and work get busy all the time?5. Money. A very important question that often leads to a break in relationships. What is your relationship with money? Do you know how to plan and spend a family budget? Who is your family's financial director? What was it like in your parental family? Did you come up with your own scenario for relationships with money or took the family model of your parents or your spouse’s parents? Are you satisfied with your current financial situation?6. Rest. Often.
