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From the author: Interview about love triangles and the geometry of love. How they appear and how they live in them. The time of falling in love brings not only romance, but sometimes also big problems - if an unexpected feeling arises in the family of partners, but not at all for each other. Interview about love triangles and the geometry of love. How they appear and how they live in them. The time of falling in love brings not only romance, but sometimes also big problems - if an unexpected feeling arises in the family of partners, but not at all for each other. Adult game - This phenomenon is probably an eternal problem for married couples? In almost all multi-page love novels of past centuries, and even the present one, one can find a description of mental turmoil due to life in love triangles. When she loves one, but lives with another, and he loves her, but dates another. I don’t understand when they say that this has never happened before. And it cannot be said that there are more love triangles now. Love triangles is a great and most interesting adult game. Better than computer games, stronger than drugs. - How do love triangles happen? - First of all, this is a form of complex relationships, a sign of a crisis between people who live together. The presence of a third, oddly enough, makes these relationships more stable. After all, a triangle is the most stable figure in geometry. And in psychotherapy there is a stool principle: a stool will never stand on two legs; for stability, at least a third is needed. Therefore, during a crisis in a family, each of its participants at a certain moment may begin to look for that person with whom it will be a little better, more comfortable. And it’s not about sex at all, but about human relationships. - What does a relationship crisis look like? - For example, there is a couple in which something begins to happen that makes the life of one unbearable. The reason is a chronic lack of emotions, attention, affection, recognition, respect, and so on. At one point, another person appears who can fill this deficit. I remember there was a curious incident. The man was married for a very long time. They had children. And suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, as he says, he began dating another woman. At an appointment with a psychotherapist, the man admitted that he did not understand why he was attracted to her. “She is not as good as my wife, she is not as beautiful, not as successful. Actually worse than my wife. But, I think about her every day.” When asked what you get from her, the client replied: “Every time I hear that I am good and delightful.” When there is no openness, recognition, or spiritual closeness in a family, then any person begins to look for it on the side. - But what about the accidents that are also described in novels? - I don’t really believe in chance. When people get married or even just start living together, they know what they're signing up for. A man himself chooses the woman with whom he is going to live. Then he meets someone else on the side and it seems like some decision needs to be made, but the love triangle allows you to leave everything as it is. A man understands how “convenient” it is to have both a mistress and a wife, and a woman sees how comfortable it is to have a lover and a husband. Moreover, over the past two years, I noticed that an equal number of mistresses who are in relationships with married men and wives whose husbands are cheating began to come to the reception. Moreover, there are many times fewer men with this topic in consultations. This says that a man is always more comfortable. On the one hand, have an official, complex relationship with your wife, on the other, an easy and pleasant relationship with your mistress. But this situation lasts for the time being. The price of comfort - How long can a love triangle survive? After all, untruth always becomes obvious. - In my memory, the longest lasted 15 years - for so many years the mistress waited for a man. When you enter into such a relationship, you must always be aware of the price you have to pay, and sometimes the price is too high. There is a stereotype - every mistress wants to become a wife. More common
