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In psychology, the Major Arcana of the Tarot is a system of self-knowledge and self-improvement through contact with the main Archetypes of our psyche. The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, was the first to speak about Archetypes at the beginning of the last century. Archetypes are the content of the collective unconscious - mental universal human experience, which is passed on from generation to generation. These are patterns and patterns of behavior common to all people. We are not aware of this experience, but it is one of the driving forces that influences our behavior, relationships, and dreams. C. G. Jung defined the concept of “archetype” as “adjacent states of consciousness, inherited and reproducing deep mythological symbols.” It was C. G. Jung who first showed interest in the major arcana of the Tarot as a source of self-knowledge for a person. Twenty-two Major Arcana sequentially work out the six main archetypes identified by C.G. Jung. By coming into contact with the symbols of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, a person seems to go through all the stages of life. This is like the path of the Hero of a fairy tale, who moves towards his goal - peace and mental balance, towards the discovery of his true self and inner potential. The goal has been achieved, what next? Then the next, deeper goal arises. The completion of one is the beginning of a new stage, a new cycle starts, and so on in a circle. All 22 Tarot arcana represent encrypted information in symbols. Only through the language of symbols can we study the unconscious layers of the psyche, which means we can get answers to our questions through the knowledge that we already initially possess, gain positive experience in a problematic situation, and reveal a resource. For example, the “Emperor” lasso is aimed at working out the Animus archetype, relationships with father, fear of punishment. Arcanum “High Priest” - the archetype of the Spiritual Father, Teacher, formation of life goals and ways to achieve them, working through the fear of negative evaluation. The Chariot Arcanum makes it possible to work with the following problems: what to do during a crisis, where to move, how to manage the situation, allows you to solve problems of social adaptation, work through the fear of taking the first step and start acting. The therapeutic work of the group is based on exercises developed by a German psychotherapist, psychoanalyst Eva Maria Nietzsche. There are three exercises for each card. Through exercises and their analysis, first at a symbolic and then at a behavioral level, a person receives: - Understanding of what to do and where to move next. - Awareness of the cause of his difficulties. - Finds an opportunity to change it..
