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From the author: psychotherapist, sexologist, TV program expert, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, NLP master, educational psychologist, existential neuroprogramming specialist, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, coach, coach. This was my training “Psychotherapy of Love”, this time it was attended by a man. I would like to note that men usually do not like to bring out their personal problems and voice them to the group. But I recognized this man; he came to me about a year ago for money training. I even remembered his name, which surprised him. He is a rather peculiar person, I thought that perhaps his story would be unusual. And so it happened. The man voiced his problem, saying that he had a child. This is a 14 year old girl. It should be taken into account that he never had long-term relationships with women, and the relationship with the child’s mother lasted only 4 days. She had some other parallel relationships. Then a child was born. She told him: “now you have a child, you have to help me,” when he invited her to live together, she replied: “No, I only need money from you, I have a man.” Further, he said that for certain it is unknown whether this is his child. He would like to know this, and the second point was that the woman constantly calls him and demands money, sometimes he does not answer the phone... and all this stresses him out. “Well, let's see,” I said. He expressed his full readiness, and we identified 2 points. One of them said that this was his child, the second said that it was not. I asked him where he would like to go. He said - to the one where the child is his. The man came in. He immediately started smiling. I ask: “Well, how?” He replies: “I like it here, it’s comfortable.” Now the second point was coming. He entered - his face expressed dissatisfaction. He said: “I’m somehow not at ease here.” We returned to the starting point, I asked: “well, what is the conclusion, what decision did you make, what do you want to do with the points?” I note that the client has already done something here. then he begins to understand, and intuitively does what will be best for him. He says: “It’s okay, I want to go between these two points.” "And where?" - I asked. The man said: “And over there, far away...” and waved his hand forward. All this indicated that he was completely unprepared to solve the problem, and did not want to know the truth. The women present asked: “Or maybe a genetic examination?” To which he replied: “Well, how am I going to offer this, the girl is already an adult, what if I go with her, and how am I going to offer this to the woman herself?” As you know: the owner is a gentleman. Then it remains to discuss the problem with the money he gave for the child. Then he said: “Well, what can I do? I’ll give you money.” So the problem was solved in this way, and a person always determines for himself what is best for him. In conclusion, I’ll just say a few words. Sometimes, it really is better to live in ignorance. If this worries you, try to understand: what will you get if you find out the truth, what will it give you? In my work, consulting clients as a psychologist and psychotherapist, I quite often encountered the fact that women who control their husbands, look through their phones, or social networks, got what they were looking for. This did not solve the problem, but only made it worse. Again, everything is very individual, sometimes it’s just worth thinking about: is it really needed??
