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Do you remember the children's games "Edible - Inedible" or "Sabzhe"? The goal of the game "Sabzhe" was to catch the ball with the answer to the question that suits you. In essence, the game is a fun composition of the participant’s biography. Here a lot depends on the presenter, on his invention and on the reaction of the participant. The attitudes with which we live, and which we receive from our parents, are essentially the same game, only with the difference that we unconditionally accept what is broadcast to us by our significant adults or environment. After all, we are not given any other option. These attitudes can be both positive and destructive. And, no matter what her pole is, the child tries to find confirmation for her in life. Criticism from parents is very important in the birth of negative attitudes. No, of course, they do not criticize so that we become insecure and unhappy. Rather, criticism comes from ignorance and the desire to develop the “correct” traits in the child. For example, a mother says to her five-year-old daughter: “How armless you are! Everything doesn’t work out for you, everything falls out of your hands.” The mother’s goal in this case is for the daughter to pay attention to her sloppiness and learn to control her hands and objects. The girl hears and perceives this statement as the truth. She lives with this further. And when she can’t do something with her hands, she is once again convinced that her mother was right and stops taking the initiative altogether. Why, because the result is clear - she is armless. And, even if the mother is far away, or she is not alive at all, there remains an inner critic inside the girl who constantly criticizes and undermines self-confidence. “What can you do, hook hands!” “What kind of translator are you! You don’t even know Russian!” “You look like a doctor, like a ballerina to me!” If you notice that such statements take place in your life I suggest you do the following exercise. “True or False” Technique I suggest you play a game with your Inner Critic called “True or False.”1. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into three parts.2. Indicate “False” on the left side, “True” on the center side, and “Proof” on the right side.3. Remember all the negative statements addressed to you that arose from loved ones. This is very important to track, because sometimes these attitudes sit so deeply and for a long time with a person that it seems that they are his own and live with him all his life. How can I check this? You don't want to accept these criticisms, and if you were playing the Sabzhe game, you would throw the ball away. Write them down in the left column. 4. In the column labeled “Truth”, write the opposite statement that corresponds to reality.5. In the Evidence column, indicate why this is so. Who or what can confirm this? Below is an example of such a table. After completing the exercise, reflect: - How do you feel? How does the body respond to the truth, to a lie? - So that it would help you to rely more on the truth?6. Tear off the left column with false sayings, crumple it, tear it, or burn it in a safe place. You can say the words “Now I am getting rid of lies. I burn all the lies about myself that were told to me (list those people who instilled these attitudes in you), and that I once believed, that I have formed about myself ".7. You can put the remaining statements somewhere so that you have them at hand (in your purse, diary, book) and re-read them every day. This and many other effective psychological techniques can be found hereJoin!
