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From the author: Author Katerina Penkova. "PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT" - Ukraine No. 11 (194), 2009 On June 1, 2009, the "Personnel Studio" company launched the "First International Webinar Portal" project, the main strategic goal of which is to familiarize a wide audience with such a training format as a webinar. We do not compare webinars with trainings, we do not say that they help to develop skills, but experience shows: at long online seminars, group dynamics appear, energy is felt, and subsequently the results of the participants exceed expectations. More than 130 webinars have already been held within the framework of the project, devoted to various topics , which were visited by about 1500 people. The main audience of webinars is as follows: 30% – company owners, managers, HR directors; 30% – HR managers, recruiters; 23% – middle managers (sales, customer service, etc.); 10% are those who do not indicate their position or are unemployed; 7% – business trainers (as participants). Webinar (web + seminar), online seminar is a type of web conference, online meeting or presentation via the Internet in real time. The webinar format provides the presenter with the opportunity to convey information (experience, knowledge, skills, tasks) to participants using an online class, allowing people located in different parts of the world to hear and see each other. Webinars are launched using web applications - you just need to enter the URL (website address). So, what is needed to participate in webinars? We will describe a detailed preparation plan for it:• Login to the webinar is via a link sent to your e-mail.• Participants only need an Internet connection and a headset (headphones with microphone) or speakers.• The presenter is recommended to have a web camera, and headphones with a microphone are required .• The Internet must be uninterrupted, with a speed of 512 MB (it is useful to make sure that the Internet is paid for in advance).• Participants cannot be heard or seen - they can ask questions in the online chat. If you want to ask a question out loud or give feedback, you can “raise your hand” (there is a special icon for this) so that the presenter or moderator can turn on the web camera and/or microphone of the participant. Among the advantages of webinars, we note the following: 1. Significant cost savings. Renting a hall, paying for travel to another city or country, travel expenses, handouts, etc. – all this is not needed online.2. Free schedule and location of broadcasting.3. The ability to make a video recording of the event in order to later upload it to video sharing services (YouTube, Yandex video, etc.), which will provide multiple viewing. Large companies take advantage of this opportunity to promote their services and products on the market.4. Instant start. The launch of a webinar can be organized in one minute.5. No psychological barriers. Taking part in an online seminar, its participants forget about problems associated with communication skills or inexperience. They can freely ask any questions without being embarrassed by the reaction of the audience. Types of webinars. A promotional webinar is a free presentation by a trainer before the main webinar or simply for the purpose of sharing experience (duration - from 30 to 120 minutes). As a rule, in a promotional webinar, participants receive information about how the main webinars are held, about the speaker and the topic. But many presenters manage to provide practical tools during the promotional webinar that can be used in work and life. An open webinar is a paid event (can last from 60 minutes to 10 or more hours, one or more days). Its program is usually filled with practical tools, and if the webinar lasts several days, then with homework. A corporate webinar ensures the connection of company employees from different branches and presenters from anywhere in the world. By conducting it, the organization not only saves material resources, but can also record the speech so that employees can repeat the material at any time, show it to colleagues,who did not participate in the event, and new employees. An image (presentation) webinar is aimed at promoting a product or service. Presenters use presentations of the proposed product, and also receive feedback through an online survey and statistics. A combined webinar is combined with a training or face-to-face seminar. For example, participants communicate live with a trainer, then study online, and at the final stage they meet again to practice skills. Online courses can be either open or corporate. A long course, as a rule, lasts a month or more. They can be held once, three or five times a week. Online clubs gather participants based on their interests and can take place once, periodically or on an ongoing basis. They usually feature several presenters speaking on a specific topic. After meeting, the group usually begins to communicate and organizes real meetings. Algorithm of actions when launching a webinar 1. Set the type of webinar (they are described above). 2. Determine: the goals and objectives of the webinar; target audience; topic; main ideas; metrics to measure performance; time for organization, preparation and implementation; technical provider. 3. Plan a budget, including: renting/purchasing an online class; invitation of an organizational provider and moderator; marketing; on headphones, microphones, web cameras; presenter's fee. 4. Decide on a leader. Will it be an internal/external trainer or a referral consultant? If the webinar presenter is an internal trainer, how and where will he learn to conduct it? 5. Create a program (together with the presenter): prepare the theoretical and practical parts of the online event; include interactive surveys, assignments, and exercises in the program; pay special attention to the selection of color, font, pictures, tables, video materials; check each slide before launching. 6. Determine the circle of webinar participants in order to: distribute the announcement of the online seminar among the target audience (if we are talking about a corporate webinar, among employees); send out invitations; check whether there are materials that employees need to familiarize themselves with before the webinar; monitor the connection of headphones, microphones, etc.; make sure that the webinar is paid for by the participants (when conducting an open webinar, online course). 7. Prepare to receive feedback: make forms for participants to fill out; plan a question-and-answer session with the presenter/participants in an online format; get recommendations from the webinar presenter; conduct a post-webinar (if using a corporate format); analyze the event. Let us also note important details when organizing and conducting webinars. The presenter needs a suitable broadcasting location - good lighting, a comfortable chair, and a background are important. A company that conducts a webinar for internal employees should remember to install a projector (if the entire team of participants is in the same room), pens, and notepads for notes. How to get the most out of participating in webinars• Attend a promotional webinar before signing up for an open or long.• Familiarize yourself with the program, format, information about the presenter, prepare questions.• Write down the date and time of the webinar in your diary in advance.• Log into the online class 10 - 15 minutes in advance. before the start of the event.• Launch the window with the webinar, closing the others.• Have a notepad and pen at hand.• Actively ask questions on the topic.• Do not chat online with other participants - this distracts the speaker.• Request a video recording of the webinar, additional materials, take part in the feedback. What the presenter needs to remember Completing a webinar also requires learning. You can answer questions during the online seminar or move them to the end. As soon as the main part is over, it is worth reviewing the questions left unanswered in the chat. It is important to remember that there should be no silence on the air. Participants may not have any questions. Then №11 (194), 2009
