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I am professionally involved in creating and developing businesses, since my education and skills allow me to do this. And at the moment I teach and engage in individual coaching with colleagues who want to succeed as Private Practicing Psychologists Working Remotely. Now I am leading a group of psychologists “Successful remote work for psychologists from A to Z” and it was the experience of communicating with colleagues and some limitations in implementation practice that became clearly visible. in the past I have extensive experience in my business (for more than 16 years I have been working only for myself in various fields) ☝+ my first education is economic - enterprise management. Your business, especially if it is a private practice, may be seen in different ways, but most likely it is not even seen , and you will feel like this with your business or within it: maybe this is work - you are a slave to a certain system where you work without pleasure for a fee, selling your time of life. You suffer, you endure, but you do it. Or the job is a milk cow 🐄, which, starting from the calf, should immediately give milk, constantly and more, and if it doesn’t, then it’s sent to slaughter. I see that especially at the beginning of any new business it’s better The metaphor of a child is appropriate. When you gradually carefully grow your practice with pleasure and love. Based on your approach, there will be fears, trends and development strategies and results, and without love and care, what is the result?) Imagine that your online psychological practice is a small child who is important to raise with care and with learning new things. The mother of such a child loves, cares and cherishes. Dad - raises and teaches to be strong and overcome difficulties. With love. with responsible care and attitude that I grow and this project = mission, in the long run it is possible to grow a powerful strong business, but if I take care, then I don’t, then I feed, then I don’t, if when I haven’t grown up yet, I force you to invest in me and try to milk it right away - it will work out I like the process of being a MaPoy for a business and then, gradually, the business becomes strong and healthy. And that the most important cultivation of a business consists of daily caring actions aimed at development. Daily! Caring! Action! Focused on development! For colleagues - Practical course "Successful remote work for psychologists and coaches" Have a wonderful day!© Levitskaya Lilia, 2020. All rights reserved.
