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Learn to use the “magic” of compound interest. Invest your efforts in something that can multiply many times over. Here’s what, for example, it could be. (1) Invest a certain amount once a month and it will grow like grass in spring. (2) Live modestly - within your means. Don't be a victim of the advertisements you see. (3) Do not get into debt or loans. It is very easy to fall into a “debt hole”, but very difficult to get out of it. (4) Buy index funds and enjoy watching your money grow over the long term. (5) By buying shares, we become co-owners of large businesses that bring in large profits. 1) Robbers entered the bank. They shot at the ceiling and announced: “Whoever flinches will immediately receive a bullet in the forehead. Do you need it?” The main bandit added: “The money belongs to the bank. It won't hurt him. And your life belongs only to you. And if you lose her, you will lose her forever.” After which everyone obediently lay down on the floor, pondering what they had heard. The robbers filled the collection bag to the brim with cash and gold bars - and left the devastated bank. Ordering no one to get up from the floor for half an hour. The bank director, taking advantage of this pause, took the chief accountant aside and quietly ordered him: “Make changes to the bank’s balance sheet. Write off another 100 million rubles to the robbers and hide them in the bank basement. Only after that, press the panic button.” When the robbers heard on the news that 110 million rubles had been stolen from the bank, they started a showdown among themselves, trying to find out which of them was the “rat” who stole 100 million from their own.* What conclusions can you draw from this story? 2) Financial advisors and brokers inundate us with news from the financial markets, issuer reports and their “profitable investment ideas”. Encouraging us to constantly “shuffle” our investments like a deck of cards. It looks very respectable - like all Hollywood films about Wall Street millionaires. But in life everything is much more prosaic. And much less profitable - than it is promised in brokers' advertising materials. Let's look at the statistics: 99% of asset managers who work in investment companies are not able to bring us income year after year that exceeds the natural growth of the stock market. In other words - If we just buy an index fund, we will earn more than the most stellar managers.* The question arises - Why do we still believe their advertising? And we naively fall for their “profitable investment ideas”, which are statistically inferior to index funds. 3) Get used to 90 rubles per dollar This conclusion can be drawn from the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development (Ministry of Economic Development), which believes that by the end of the year the dollar will not be able to “bring down » below 90 rub/$. At the same time, the Ministry of Energy includes a very “modest” cost of a barrel of oil in the state budget - which leaves a “loophole” for obtaining windfall profits. So there will be something to build on for the “construction projects of the century”, the implementation of which was announced by the Government. At the same time, exporters were announced the introduction of “special” duties for them at a high dollar exchange rate. So there is no need to fear a budget deficit for a long time. What does sustainable development of the domestic economy mean? But what will happen to inflation is not yet clear. So price increases driven by exchange rate increases will continue for the foreseeable future.Additionally: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest your money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for your money." I will be grateful for your likes and reposts of this article. Author of the article - Alexander Evstegneev, personal finance expert, author of 20 books on financial literacy, investor with 25 years of experience, laureate of the Russian Ministry of Finance Prize for the best media project on financial literacy
