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When you hear about gigolos, do you imagine a pumped-up handsome man next to a wealthy lady of Balzac's age? So, this picture is far from reality. Most often, gigolos (men who live at the expense of a woman) are ordinary, average men who choose quite ordinary women with an average income as victims. But something that unites all these women is still present - their lack of self-confidence. Types of gigolos All men leading a parasitic lifestyle can be divided into two types. The first is a self-confident man, self-sufficient and wealthy... Here Only now his bank card has been blocked, the two-story villa is undergoing renovations, and he hasn’t chosen a car yet. That is why he temporarily lives in your apartment, takes money from you for a taxi and happily devours the fried potatoes you gave him (“I’m so tired of red caviar”). The “victim” of such a gigolo is rather a woman looking for a beautiful life and at the same time unsure of herself. The second type is an unrecognized genius. Such a man will never lie about being the owner of “factories, newspapers and ships.” No, he is a brilliant musician, historian, chemist. But his talent has not yet been appreciated. Therefore, you, his muse, need to help him and support him. Moreover, more often than not, they not only provide financially with everything they need in life, but also invest their all in publishing the next literary opus of a genius or organizing a solo concert. Such gigolos more often choose women who are quiet, uncomplaining, “mothers.” How do gigolos work? Having chosen a victim (and gigolos, like all scammers who “work” with people, are very good psychologists), gigolos begin to test her. They invite you to a restaurant and “forget” your credit card and ask to borrow a small amount. If the check is successful, they take the victim “tightly”. Moreover, the check is not carried out at the first meetings. Moreover, gigolos first “invest”: they buy gifts, arrange romantic dates. Why does their system work? The fact is that they find a “weak spot” in a woman, her complex. And they begin to praise precisely the quality that, as a woman seems to be, is the most important. Alphonses literally entangle you with their false compliments, care, and attention. The woman begins to feel that no one but him will love her. How to avoid becoming a victim of a gigolo? A confident woman will definitely never become a victim of a gigolo. She is well aware of her strengths and weaknesses and does not need unnecessary compliments. Without fear of being left without a boyfriend, she will not give up her money and mental strength in exchange for courtship. If you do not want to support a man, learn to love and respect yourself. Organize small holidays for yourself, your loved one, pamper yourself. Improve yourself, get rid of complexes and learn not to depend on anyone’s opinion. Source: Audio psychotherapy can easily help you gain confidence HERE>>
