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From the author: Continuation of the topic Return to natural origins? If the topic “loneliness” (https://www.b17.ru/article/odinochestvo_znakomstva/) showed a secondary benefit of self-isolation, then this can be compared with the benefit of the existence of an amoeba. No one - no one. Harmonious paired creativity is more interesting than inharmonious paired existence and lonely soaring-evaporation. But isn't this a concession to animal needs? It is interesting to ask this question to a person who has crossed the desert: hey, buddy, what are you drinking like an animal? Do you know where the aphorism came from: “the better I get to know people, the more I like dogs”? – from spiritual practices! So, DATING. Every time we decide to stop the practice of loneliness, we are preparing to perform a new mating dance. Like birds, baboons or the natives of the Mumbu-Yumbu tribe. Thanks to the examples of cinema, porn and other arts of civilization, this instinct is sometimes not understood, and as a result it rushes about and takes on various incomprehensible forms in behavior. But even those who “hear” the instinct experience “bummers” - they are simply too lazy to strain again. Rather, it is also the art of civilization. Crawling on porn sites. Scheme of the mating game of Homo Samecus: Coloring feathers, approaching with a compliment, mating dance, courtship if favored, obtaining permission for sex. So what is next? Let's not get into further sexology and pedagogy. Next is further...What's on the opposite side? Homo Samkus: Feather coloring. Drawing attention to yourself to invite you to dance. Assessing male feathers and compliments. Issuing a Dance Permit. Back-up dancer in case of acceptance of the dance, which continues during the courtship period (preparation for sex. Permission to have sex. Waiting for a delay in ovulation. Retaining the male in case of delay, nesting and childbirth. Next? Next is further! It is clear that in men who have had a long-term relationship with one woman, the “mating dance” skill is noticeably weak. No, it is clear that if a man has been a “bad boy” since he was 14 years old, and so on for 15 years... Then everything remains in force, both the skill and the urge to use it. she gave up, did not give up and will not give up! She got into every step of the natural scheme and rules the variety of perversions that we describe as “cultural phenomena”. We’ll talk about some phenomena - the “bitch cycle”, for example.!
