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There is such a technique in writing practices: questions to yourself. You need to ask yourself as many questions as possible on an exciting topic within a certain time. In one interpretation, 100 questions in 30 minutes. According to some versions, this is “quite enough” for your unconscious “itself” to send you answers after some time. It is even possible that after the cell phone question you will naturally become enlightened! Or you'll wake up the next morning and bam! “You know everything!” Maybe. But it’s just as likely that it’s not “everything” at all... or not at all what we would like! The unconscious is a joker. Especially those who blindly believe in his miracles. As a supporter of the cognitive-behavioral approach, I always suggest to clients (and myself when I use this technique) that after a while, when the unconscious “digests everything,” I answer each question independently. Usually, the answers inspire, pleasantly surprise, and even lead to insights! Here is an artistic illustration of how this can happen. *******At a writing marathon, the Writer and the Coach sit opposite each other, there is a chess clock on the table, they press buttons and conduct a quick dialogue: Writer: As I understand it, we will have to pull ourselves out of the swamp by the hair, like Munchausen? Coach : If not us, then who? Writer: Okay, today I got the role of a greedy alarmist, it’s easier for me. I’ll ask you questions, and you’ll answer! Coach: Well, you know, not for the first time! Besides, with the answers I’ll give you a good kick. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice! Writer: Heh, now I’ll go over these questions, you won’t find answers forever! Trainer: Okay, every time I get confused, you’ll give me a slap! Writer: Well, there’s interest, here we go! I want super memory! I need to have the entire text, the entire article in my head at any moment! Coach: That is, yours, just good, is not enough? Writer: Of course, you can live, but... Coach: That’s right! And even live happily ever after! You will write not huge novels - but compact stories! The shorter the text, the more people will read it! It’s called “Adaptation of Opportunities to Reality”! Writer: Well, I would like to see more emotions in the text! Trainer: Hmmm... Look, you can’t drown in those that are there! And - don’t drown your readers! Writer: I want the ability to create a good text at any moment, regardless of inspiration! Trainer: Knowledge, skills, nothing more, what do you think? Writer: What then... not always? Trainer: Heh, you can always do it for money? Writer: Always... Trainer: Do you get pleasure from the process? Writer: Well, I do... Trainer: Train, brother... everything else will come by itself! Martial arts turned out cool, right? Writer: Well, let’s say... What should we do about attracting readers? Trainer: Write from the heart! Yours will respond, the rest will fall off... Writer: Okay, I’ll go and train!.. Trainer: And I guess I’ll rest... My training is over!.. *******There are, of course, situations in life when you you asked yourself, well, too difficult questions, and your “inner coach” finds it difficult to answer. In such cases, contact a good professional psychologist! It is best if he knows the cognitive behavioral approach. In the states, this is the only form for which health insurers are willing to pay money.
