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Substances that affect the state of consciousness, from alcohol to heroin and spice, have been taken by humans in one form or another since ancient times. The natural selection of dependents is great. In the end, those who completely abandon artificial pleasure survive. What is the devilish appeal of substances that change the state of consciousness? The picture of the world expands under the influence of the substance. A person admits, and under some drugs even sees, hears, and of course feels things that he almost cannot perceive when sober. At the very least, his imagination will be unblocked. After the cessation of the effect of the substance, the picture of the world, of course, narrows again, and due to the lack of natural endorphins, it may even become narrower than in a normal sober state. The world of a drug addict/alcoholic is initially gray and boring, life becomes uninteresting. The self-concept also expands under the influence of the substance. A person is ready to recognize both weaknesses and strengths in himself and others, he becomes anything, allows himself to have high-flown feelings and grotesque behavior. Naturally, in this case he is relaxed and even artistic. At least from his drunken point of view. When there is a break in the intake, and there is no substance in the blood, the person becomes pinched, constrained, his voice disappears and, in general, his own self goes deep inside. All these “expansions” are observed at the beginning of the intake. Gradually, the psi-effects decrease, and then completely disappear. The world becomes much grayer than it was before use. And you have to take the substance itself so as not to die. Here is one of the typical examples of the consequences of using substances. A thirty-year-old man came for a consultation with signs of infantilism, complaining of shyness, the inability to manage his subordinates, that he was constrained, dumb... that his resourcefulness had completely disappeared and social phobias had surfaced. After an hour of questioning and discussing the merits of various psychological techniques, such as communication training or public speaking, seeing the psychologist’s distrust, the client finally admitted that he led a riotous lifestyle, drank and took hashish and other nasty things in clubs. “You are now experiencing psychological withdrawal due to a lack of endorphins, which the body has stopped producing on its own, - the psychologist explains to him. - And what is needed to completely eliminate the consequences of taking it, - he asks with alarm. - How long did you use it? - Three years... - To learn to enjoy life with a pure consciousness , we need three more years. - Go crazy! - What were you thinking about when you were using? No matter how long you develop a bad habit, the same amount of time is needed to replace it with another, healthier skill. Not only the psyche is rebuilt, but also the metabolism. Including brain metabolism. Qigong, yoga, martial arts, and other areas of physical education will help you relearn how to enjoy the body. Acting practices will help you gain pleasure from communicating and interacting with people. To understand oneself, a new, sober one, and even grow as a person, is provided by written therapy and corresponding writing practices. They act as a catalyst that synthesizes the entire process of getting rid of addiction. Everyone has their own point of no return. Some addicts are abandoned by their loved ones, others “pierce” the apartment and disappear somewhere, and in others, the cardiovascular or other important systems of the body fail. The loss of the human self can also become a point of no return. Well, until the last milestone is passed, there is a chance!
