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✨✨✨“PLEASE, MAKE THE INSTALLATION”✨✨✨Sometimes people do not want to enter into a relationship, wait, do internal work. But they expect quick results with modest investments, reducing therapy to the provision of a service.A a small benefit from the first results and relief from symptoms are considered sufficient to stop therapy and move on. In principle, one can understand this strategy: what keeps you from what you want lies out of sight, causing you to be perplexed and upset, throwing out the reasons for dissatisfaction. And a person looks for answers about himself in a variety of places. But what is hidden in the depths? Parents pass on to us an emotional inheritance in the womb. Life sends us forward with the baggage of something unresolved in the past. An early break with the mother or her irregular presence in life child, conflicting parental relationships can distort internal reality. Shake confidence and stability in personal relationships. Then difficult or uncomfortable life situations are perceived as life-threatening. In adulthood, we feel that intimacy can suddenly evaporate. Then there are two strategies - cling to a partner, stick to him as one would cling to a mother. Or on the contrary, push him away, expecting in advance that he will be lost anyway. A feature of early infantile experience is that the brain is not yet able to formulate the experience in the form of ideas, words, in the form of a story in order to retain memories of it. There are no memories, but anxiety from a break with the mother, desires remain unsatisfied and persistently demands to declare oneself. Passionate cravings, melancholy desire for something inexpressible are drowned out by a glass of wine, exhausting work, or unjustified risks or frequent changes of partners. The modern rhythm is a rush that dictates the requirement not to get attached to no one or anything. The race is faster, higher, stronger. And the lack of time forces us to communicate superficially. The disease of the century is to skim off the cream, take advantage of the best and run further, drawing out the reserve of energy. We are driven by the fear of being late, not having time to “jump into the last car,” of being left out from the clip. Everything is lost! And then it is not surprising that something important is lost, missing in one’s sense of self - the ability to love! There are things that do NOT need to be done “by the way,” hastily. It makes sense to invest YOURSELF - thoroughly, responsibly and painstakingly. According to the laws of nature, the grain needs to ripen before it takes root. And the child is borne in the womb for its allotted time. The creation of a new thing is created in solitude and depth: thoroughly, the way a good master works , engaged in creative work, and not profanation. In the process of therapy, time acquires other properties and qualities: - a constant and regular day and hour, payment for all sessions will outline the space in order to slow down the accelerated pace of life. In order to ripen and love, and those parts of the personality that create basic settings about ourselves have completed our studies and have become stronger. When we slow down and begin to explore and recognize the nodes of our suffering, we can find the truth hidden deep in our personal or family history. Symptoms serve as pointers for us, markers showing the direction to something that needs to be nurtured and given time to heal. Unresolved problems with one of the parents can overshadow and emasculate personal and social life. Re-living an unresolved charged process out of the blue will create a conflict where real connections need to be built. Sometimes the reason for the breakdown of therapy is a violation of the ability to have close relationships. Relationships are superficial, people are crossed out or replaced by someone else. Breakups are easy, and feelings are alienated. This habitual model of relationships is not complete, the essential truth is cut out from them. Instead of accepting limitations, connections are cut. But when we stop to begin to study the observed repeating phenomenon, the inarticulate rises to the surface of consciousness. And it needs to be assigned a different reading. Then you can find.
