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From the author: Chapter 2 from the book Vladislav Lebedko, Evgeniy Kustov “Archetypal Study of Loneliness”, Penza, “Golden Section”, 2012 Vladislav Lebedko, Evgeniy Kustov “The influence of features of perception on the emergence of feelings of loneliness” Myth: “In Search of the Lost Paradise” In the previous article: “Exploring the cause-and-effect model of the phenomenon of loneliness: Chapter One.” - we have considered several basic concepts for the correct study of the phenomenon of loneliness: Program Settings of Perception, Matrix of Perception, linear Evaluation System, egocentric perception, Security Levels 1,2,3. This allows us to structure and unify the conceptual sphere of the phenomenon of loneliness and explore it without endless references to the variety of designations for certain psychological processes. The modern state of scientific thought greatly sins in this way and not only sins, but increasingly falls into a state similar to a malignant tumor, when each new cell that arises hastens to proclaim itself a measure of noumenologiya. Unlike researchers who lived before the 70s of the 20th century, we have It is uniquely possible to observe the creation of the anatomical basis of human psychology. For the advent of the computer age has led to the emergence of a semblance of sacred poetry of the inner world of man. To do this, it is enough to conduct a retrospective of the evolution of virtual reality from the advent of the first personal computers to the creation of the global Internet. Terms: assembly algorithm, hard drive architecture, operating system, virus attack, system failure, “Albanian” language and the like - this is the everyday slang of everyone who is at least indirectly related to the world of computers. Let me compare the concepts of subconsciousness and consciousness with the other a classic pair - RAM and the main (base) sphere located on hard drive C. The class of a personal computer depends on the volume and ability to process information in RAM and on the ability to accommodate data by the base system. Modern laptops allow you to increase the capacity of RAM to 1.5 or more gigabytes, which makes it possible to play multi-level programs, complex games and watch movies in 3-D format on them. Whereas on first-generation computers that had not yet gone out of use with a memory capacity of up to 100 MB, it was possible to work only with simple graphic programs, such as typing or mathematical calculations of the 1-C system. The quality, stability and correctness of the RAM and its effective relationship with hard drive files directly depend on the software tools. What is the toolkit of consciousness, its operational part, which we use at the moment and in general in everyday life? We know something about our RAM: that it is limited in its capabilities and “at a time” the library named after. We cannot master M. Lomonosov, we will have to switch, take lunch breaks, etc. For us, it is normal and necessary to “forget” in this way in order to make room for new impressions and ideas in our mind. If this were not so, then everything we experience would remain above the threshold of awareness and lead to unimaginable confusion of the mind. This phenomenon is so well known today that most people who have the slightest knowledge of psychology take it for granted (1). It is also known for certain that, like the RAM of a computer, we can expand the capabilities of our RAM due to genuine living on the border of the separation of you/I contact. The consciousness of a civilized (modern) person is a part of the psyche, reliably separated from the primary instincts, which, however, are nowhere don't share. They have only lost contact with consciousness and are forced to remind themselves in roundabout ways. For example, through symptoms of neurosis or unexpected events such as forgetfulness, slips of the tongue, irresponsible behavior (6).the phenomenon of awareness is firmly connected with the operational sphere of perception. Any information falling out of this sphere immediately becomes the property of the subconscious. It would not be amiss to note that any information is, first of all, energy. It would be more accurate to say that force or energy in a manifested state is information or the volume of information. The escape of information from the operational sphere depends on attention, the volitional ability of human perception to isolate figures from the general information background or flow. Modern man still does not properly control his attention, and I completely agree with Jung, who once said that “... we should not say that we direct our attention to something, but only assert that in this situation, a state of attention occurs” (5). Our perception of the world is fragmentary and incomplete. We are not friends with our mind, our mind is not with our feelings, and the hodgepodge of sensations and their mental interpretations gives rise to the illusion of reality. This state is very reminiscent of a waking dream. “Inferiority manifests itself in the style of our thinking. Because of feelings of inferiority and insecurity, we create mental concepts to gain control over them. These concepts serve as guiding fictions, guiding fantasies with the help of which we explain the world” (2). However, the problems do not even begin in this “chicken soup” (8), which we feed each other every day with the best intentions, but the fact that we don’t know about our “waking dream”, and we don’t want to know. For us, the conclusions of our discrete consciousness are an unconditional integrity with signs of the ultimate truth. We are completely convinced of the authenticity of our own beliefs. “Modern man has to pay for his beliefs in a very sensitive way - he is less and less able to understand himself. He does not see that with all his rationality and all his skill, he is guided by uncontrollable “forces”. His gods and demons did not disappear at all, they received new names. Insatiability, vague premonitions, psychological complications, an insatiable craving for pills, alcohol, tobacco, food and, above all, a multitude of neuroses - do not allow him to breathe” (6). In many ways, the confusion in the perception of the world is aggravated by the fact that we, even in the case of the obvious manifestations of our own mistakes, we continue to persist, to defend our stupidity and ignorance with all available means. What kind of acceptance is there of taking responsibility for our actions if most of my patients consider responsibility a burden, and not a natural quality of a healthy person. Perhaps it is not difficult to notice the inevitability of the world’s reaction to This is egocentric behavior. It will be quite adequate, since the world is impersonal and is a system of harmonious laws and patterns. But in my ignorance, I perceive such a world as something cruel and merciless, where “lies, betrayal and violence reign,” “it is natural” that I will begin to defend myself, as well as “everything that is dear to me.” And in this “righteous” struggle I will be “...alone, like a stone thrown into water” (9). “We would rather get closer to the goal (harmony with the world) by trying to recognize our own shadow (illusory perception, substitution of the genuine, distortion of reality (10) along with its disgusting deeds. Knowing about this shadow, which represents the dark side of our nature, we would gain immunity from any moral and mental mischief and intrigues. In the present situation, we are susceptible to any plague, since we are practically engaged in that. the same as them (any of our opponents, opponents of “our” worldview). All this is aggravated by the fact that we do not understand and do not want to understand what we are doing under the guise of good manners” (6). - little is known for certain. It is assumed that it is practically unlimited in the volume of stored information. Moreover, it is connected by mysterious communication systems with a universal human database, from which it periodically leaks into the RAM with obscure images and fantasies. Our imaginations do not exist.appear in NOWHERE and not from NOTHING - they have a very specific basis. Probably it can be attributed to matrix structures, deep levels of the archetypal, the legacy of the entire phylogenetic development of intelligent life. Moreover, this Foundation is not only the result of the Past, but a process of the totality of all three hypostases of the energy-informational manifestation of the Life of humanity: passive, neutralizing and active (7). The principle that organizes the phenomenon of imagery, the principle that provides mental reality with specific patterns and habitual properties - universality, typicality manifestations, regularity, constant repetition over many centuries - Jung called it an “archetype” (4). “The energy of archetypes can be felt by the special charm that accompanies their appearance. They seem to fascinate. This feature is also characteristic of personal complexes, only the latter appear in the history of the individual, and social complexes of an archetypal nature - in the history of mankind. Personal complexes can only give rise to a destructive addiction to something; archetypes give life to myths, religions and philosophical concepts that influence entire nations and divide historical eras. We see complexes as compensation for one-sidedness or erroneous rational perception. In the same way, one can interpret religious myths as a kind of mental therapy for the suffering and unrest of all mankind - hunger, wars, disease, old age, death” (6). Let’s imagine that the computer’s RAM software malfunctions, what will happen then? We call this: “the computer freezes”, “the computer slows down”. In these cases, we either reboot the “jammed” computer or check it for viruses, and if this doesn’t help, we call a specialist - right? In the following example of an archetypal journey through areas directly and indirectly related to the phenomenon of loneliness, one can clearly see its peculiarity - the core of the loneliness complex is worked out in stages and access to it is accompanied by a comprehensive study of various personal problems that led to the emergence of the phenomenon. Magic Theater of Natalia Ger.12-07 The presenter of the requester (Natalia Ger. volunteered) offers an archetypal journey: - Your request? Natalia Ger. (N.) - I am afraid of relationships. (He says that he has been communicating with his boyfriend for 8 months and cannot decide on the stability of the relationship - whether to break up or continue “this confusion.”) Host (Vd) - What is behind your fear? Make a guess... N. - I have a fear of loneliness... Abandonment... Betrayal... The presenter looks at possible options for interaction with archetypes. Resonates with Veles. - Do you know who Veles is? No?.. Well, good. - Transmission of “Mirrors” in Veles. Natasha is very tense. Then her condition changes sharply - she becomes ill. Other participants in the action are overcome by drowsiness.N. (bends on the floor) - My chest is squeezing...Vd. - Veles, are you here?...N. (Veles) - Yes-ah-ah... Oh!...Vd. - Take us to some picture. A certain starting point for the journey.N. (B) - In the forest... Coniferous forest... Vd. (catches the development of the image) - Do you see some man? N. - Yes. I see...Vd. - Say hello to him.N. -... Yeah... I'm going somewhere... Green House... Vd. - House? N. - His (man’s) house... He invites you to tea... Table... House. An invitation to live in it... I'm there... Vd. - What's going on? N. - I look. You need to look after the farm.Vd. - Like? Don't like it? N. - It’s just everything there... The Russian stove... (withdrew all into herself, into contemplating and living what is happening to her) - I look... A man appears and then disappears... It happens chaotically... He wants me to find him.Vd. - Veles, show me some object in this house that can bring closer the understanding of what is happening.N. - Oh, I want to leave!.. It’s scary!..Vd. - Describe your fear.N. - Black!.. (a grimace of horror on his face)... Holds a coin in his palm. (to Veles) Look?.. I don’t understand anything!..Vd. - Become thiscoin.N. - I am a coin in the palm of the god Veles... A secret! (V.) - I want her to take it. Vd (to Natalya) - Become Natasha... Do you want this coin? N. - I am Natasha... I feel lost. Vd - Hold this coin. N. - Cold. Heavy. Solid. Silver.Vd. - Tell me about your feelings.N. - I feel wary... I'm afraid!!! Vd. - What could happen so terrible? N. - Something might attack... I'll die! Vd. - Veles, what is there? N (V) - Someone needs to come and stay there. So that she won’t be afraid... (N). - I’m holding the coin in my hands. I want to bury (her)...Drowsiness in other participants develops into attacks of short-term loss of sleep.N. - The feeling... I don’t want to let go... Veles is leaving? He hasn’t done everything yet! Vd. - Natasha, why do you always run away? N. - I’m afraid to look into His face... (cries, withdraws into himself, in a pose of isolation, fenced off from the outside) - I want to see!.. It’s... something else... Vd. - Where is the coin that you buried? N. - A?! What? ... I forgot!Vd. - What’s happening? Everyone except the presenter and Natalya fall asleep.N. - Weightlessness... Spasms in the solar plexus... I want to lie down (lays down)... The spasm has passed! Vd. - Can you go to Veles? N. - I'm afraid to harm him! Vd. - Imagine yourself with this fear with your whole being! N (V) - I want to kill Natalya. Cut it!!!Vd. - Kill! Natasha lies motionless for a long time, answering questions reluctantly and with difficulty. Periodically twitches with the whole body. - I’m standing next to Veles. I fell... Something happened... I hugged Veles. Should I pick up the coin? Vd. - Take it... When you feel that everything (the action is over) - tell us. I will let Veles go.N. - Wait!.. - gives a sign, the leader catches it. Vd. - Veles, can we let you go? - Reverse transmission of “Mirror”. Natasha. - Rest... Give feedback.N. - Very powerful sensations!.. Indicative.... Something came out of me!.. Wow!!! In my opinion, the most indicative is Natalia Ger’s experience of the loneliness complex. through the symbolism of the archetypal image of “coins in the palm of Veles.” At this moment, the vital volume of contact with the world begins to return to Natalya and its released energy of feelings transforms the current experience of the diversity of the world to catharsis, and the destruction of the constructs of the complex against the background of the “operation of dismemberment” of its mental image occurs naturally, without revolutionary disturbances in the balance of established homeostasis (12) .This is surprising, since psychotherapeutic interaction with patients, in compliance with the unshakable rules of assistance in getting rid of any psychotic pattern, occurs taking into account the existing balance of forces (albeit pathological) and is always accompanied by interruption of contact, resistance and constant “relapses” into depression (from mild to severe up to psycho-somatic changes) to assimilate the experience gained. Moreover, such processes can take months and without a guaranteed return to mental health. In this case, the assimilation of the experience gained occurs, although violently, but, as further observation of Natalya’s condition showed, it is safe, with the adequacy of her condition being preserved and obvious changes in communicativeness at the circumstantial level ( see interview with Natalya Ger.). It can be assumed that elaboration of the problem at the archetypal level makes it possible to resolve it very quickly and is accompanied by equally rapid processes of assimilation with an unusually complete adaptation of the body and spirit to the emerging situation. This gives a chance for the development of short-term psychotherapy as a very effective method of treating mental illnesses of the most diverse etiology, depth and multidimensionality. The following example of working with the phenomenon of loneliness is indicative of determining its complexity and manifestation of the depth of the problematic, when the presenter of the Magic Theater applies the strategy of cyclical elaboration of the stated topic (11) and when the state of loneliness is experienced through the method of metaphorical interpretation of MT. Second Magic Theater of Natalia Ger.: Presenter - Now someone comes out and talks about theirproblems.Natalia Ger. - Can? I want to understand my relationship with my boyfriend. There is a lot of incomprehensible things in them... It is not clear where is love and where is manipulation... Vd. - What’s your problem? N. - What to do next?!!! He doesn’t seem to want to continue, but keeps coming back... I don’t know for what reason he’s still with me... We need to make a decision! I'm not talking about the wedding!... (excited).Vd. - Well, yes!? N. - I say: let's break up. And he comes back every time! It infuriates me!! I don’t understand anything!.. (excited and actively gesticulating) Vd. - Tell me a story. Not about myself... Just a fairy tale.N. - Yeah... (almost without a pause) Once upon a time there was a Goldfish. She was a mistress. She was alone! There were a lot of all kinds of fish around. She helped everyone. Then the Old Man wanted to catch her. The old woman sent him. The fish pretended that he had caught it. The old man didn’t know that she wanted to help him, but she rejected all his wishes, since they were not his, but the Old Woman’s...Vd. - Well, choose the figures. Natasha chose the Golden Fish - Evgeniy; Old man - Andrey; Old woman - Alexey. The process of transferring archetypal figures. The Golden Fish immediately moved to a large chair and spread out there. The old woman sat down in the far corner and seemed to disappear. The old man sat down on the floor in bewilderment. Natalya was indecisive for some time. Vd. - Do what you want. Contact the figures. Do you see them? N. to Rybka (ZR) - What are you doing? How?! ZR - No way! No bottom - no tail!.. Almost none. The heroine is a knife. The old man is no good... Therefore, he is the most dangerous. I don’t see the old woman.Vd. (To the old man) - Do you see other figures? Old man (Sk) - Yes, somehow... I don’t see anyone. Old woman (St) - Everything is purple to me! There is no one!Vd. (N) - What do you feel? N. - I don’t know! Don't know! I don't know! Vd. - Who are you addressing? N. - To... mom!!! Vd. - Become a mother. Natasha sobs, falls on the floor, screams, indignant: - For what?! For what?!! For what?!!Vd. - Come back. I am Natasha. (to the Figures) - What has changed? ZR - The bottom has appeared. The womb appeared. Sk - Nothing... I want to help her... Art. - Figures appeared for me. I began to feel... sympathy for the heroine. Natasha gradually calms down. Vd. - How are you feeling? N. - Strange... I seem to have calmed down. (She smiled openly and somewhat stunned, came to her senses.) The figures also noticeably perked up. The old man moved closer to Natasha. The old woman stood up and approached Natasha.Vd. - What has changed? Sk. - I want to hug Natasha. (Hugs) ZR. - It became easier. The heaviness disappeared from the body.Vd. (to N.) - What about your Request? N. (straightened up and tensed, began to speak, coining phrases) - I’m alone! I do not have anyone! There is betrayal all around! (Swears dirty and with feeling) Only son!!! (sobs).Vd. - How old is he? N. - What?!.. And... five years... I love him!!! I only have him! If only I could give birth back to my own womb!!! Hold it in!...ZR carefully took Natasha’s hand.Vd. - How bad do you want this? Squeeze his (ZR) hand. More... More... Natalya squeezed ZR's hand with a feeling of despair, then sank exhausted to the floor. Vd. (to the Figures) - How do you feel? Who are you? E. - The figure has disappeared somewhere. I don't feel it. She disappeared somewhere.Vd. - Don’t show off... How do you feel when I say that? E. - A-ah... Everything has become transparent, clear. Vd. - Fine. Old man?..Sk - Well. I have conflicting feelings... Well, skepticism. I sympathize with Natasha. I feel apathy...Vd. - Yeah! Everything in one bouquet! Art. - I have mixed feelings. I feel irritated with the Old Man. Tenderness towards Natasha. Natasha asks all the figures to come closer to her and hold hands. There is peace on her face.Vd. - Well, what should we continue? (to N.) Or will you take a time out to assimilate? How do you feel? N. - For some reason I feel good! How many trainings and seminars have I taken part in!!! I conducted them myself!.. But for the first time I lived something so deeply... Yes! I'm ready to continue! Right now! Enough strength...Vd. - Stop, stop... Let's still take a break. Reverse transfer of pieces - “Mirror”. The Magic Theater on Demand is presented almost in full so that the volume of presence of the phenomenon of loneliness in our lives becomes indicative. Very rarely does the requestor work through itdirectly. The phenomenon is interconnected with certain unfulfilled needs or their discrepancy with the image of “how it should be for me.” In this case, the presenter, using the method of metaphorical interpretation (11), transferred the process of experiencing loneliness to the deep level of Natalya’s relationship with her mother and, as a consequence, its unclearness after intense reaction with the expression of claims, she moved on to her relationship with her son - “I want to give birth to him back, so that I can have him in my womb again.” As an archetypal metaphor for this process, I would suggest - “In Search of the Lost Paradise,” when escape becomes the leading process from the realities of contact with the world into some fictional reality. This process is dominated by the desire to return to the mother’s womb (the paradise of irresponsibility) and, coupled with this, “deliverance” of one’s own child from the cruel vicissitudes of the world order - “the desire to give birth back to the womb and keep him there.” Now I propose to consider what a direct study of the picture of loneliness looks like from the same requester, but a few days after the MT session: Excerpt from a consultation appointment: August 9, 2010 Natalya Ger. 27 years old, higher education, trance surfing coach: Doctor - Have you ever encountered loneliness? N. - Of course! D. - What does loneliness look like for you? N. - What image? D. - Yes. What does loneliness look like in your experiences? N. - At the moment, my attitude towards loneliness has changed. Now I perceive it as a stage in life, as an opportunity to look deep into myself, discover new facets in myself, and understand even more deeply what I really want. Well, sometimes I perceive it painfully when it is forced. But this is short-term...D. - So you’ve learned to perceive loneliness positively? N. - In general, my attitude towards life has changed now... A lot! I take loneliness as a given and, above all, as the acquisition of new opportunities.D. - At what point did you experience such a change in your relationship with loneliness? N. - Recently. In my life, I don’t remember such a moment when I was alone... There were moments... forced. About two months ago everything became different. I don't know what this is connected with. Maybe there was a transition for six months, but now it’s different.D. -What did loneliness look like when you first met him? Can you remember? N. - I was always so afraid of loneliness that I even... I found a way to avoid it. I occupied myself with something pseudo-important. She diverted her attention. Filled the “pauses”...D. - What scared you so much being alone? N. - Well... having undergone various trainings, I can guess where it all started. D. - Try now to distract yourself from your “literacy”, that you are an expert in these relationships... Something vivid from your memory?..N. -...I was very often left alone - without attention to me. I remember: I was at home all day... I just locked myself in the toilet and sat there with food and toys. There is a small area there, safe... I locked myself there and sat all day. I even slept! Well, it’s like a toilet, everything is here... I didn’t attach any importance to this moment. But for some reason I remember it... It was and was... And now I return to this memory more and more often. I see the beginning... I was very scared at that moment... So I locked myself in a small, narrow space where everything was under my control. And these feelings of fear and control are constant. I constantly need to control something. When there is no control, it causes fear. This is the system of relationships.D. - In childhood?! And control!?N. - Control of the situation... Something could happen! A monster could have appeared. And I can't control a large space. Pay attention to everything. And in the toilet I could see all the corners. Only 3 square meters. And I felt very comfortable being there! (laughs).D. - What kind of value system should a child develop in order for him to so clearly define the “space of control”!? N. - Yes... I feel very safe and comfortable being there, so when II stayed in the room - there was a long corridor - and I was afraid. Even the presence of light in the apartment did not mean that I could control this entire area... There were spaces left under the bed. There is something I don't see right away. Walls. Partitions... And everything is great in the toilet! D. - Have you ever paid attention to where you experience loneliness itself - in the body or outside the body? N. - Yes, sure. In the chest area.... Right here in the center (points exactly to the middle of the sternum). It's very painful here... I learned to pay attention to the sensations in my body. I cannot compare this feeling with anything. It is unique... When loneliness sets in... a scratching or something... It's not exactly mental pain, but rather strange sensations in the body... Scratching? All! I already know that this is it... My body reacts really quickly. If I’m still emotionally swaying... or a state of panic begins, then it itches in the elbow of my left arm... Natalya remembered the warm-up at the Magic Theater session - exercises on interacting with the body, especially highlighting the exercise “to deceive the controller of the logic of movements”, when several Participants are simultaneously touched, beaten, and twisted in different parts of the body. “Powerful! I felt exactly the “controller” in my body!!! How tense he was when “illogicalities” began to happen to his body. D. - At what point in childhood did you have the desire to manage and control? What was this connected with? N. - I can definitely associate this with fear... Just the other day I was watching my videos with my mother. And I think the desire to control has always been there... Already at the age of 10, everything is visible in relationships in a children’s group - total control.D. - Were you afraid of losing something? N. - I want to find safety for myself. Just power over everything. I'm afraid of losing love... Love is closely intertwined with loneliness. Love. Loneliness. Control.D. - At what point did you have the happy idea of ​​cooperation with loneliness? N. - Quite recently... Through losses, separations in some life situations... This is the wisdom of acceptance. New sensations of being in the universe, with peace. And the feeling that Life is a river, everything flows... Now loneliness is not a thought - the fear of losing something, now I perceive loneliness as a short moment of such a long period of time, like eternity... I am in everything! It's all in me! Involvement with everything. And this is not fantasy. Even when I wash the dishes, it seems to me that I become part of the process, like water... What loneliness is there!?! I'm just floating. This is both identification and disidentification...D. - Can you say that loneliness doesn’t scare you now? N. - I don’t promise... The attitude will be different. Maybe there is something else there that needs to be worked on. I already know exactly what I need to do... I feel that I’m on the right path... A state of inner confidence (When I pronounced the phrases, I carefully observed the manifestations of my inner state). D. - What was the brightest thing that your relationship with loneliness gave you? Or what of what was taken away? N. - Flight. Feeling confident in your choice of path. There is a feeling that I am going my own way. And it gives you confidence to move on. Where I'm going! Secondly, in solitude it is easier to find a state of balance, recognize yourself and clearly distinguish what you want. Loneliness gave me the feeling that nothing bad would happen to me, that there was Someone above me and everything in my life was happening in the best possible way. And I’m not alone, I’m always supported by some force. I felt this power. After that, my intentions began to come true very easily. I very clearly felt a strange connection with the universe. I'm always open to something new...D. - Have you been approached as a specialist with problems of loneliness? N. - Well, yes... But I don’t give advice. I help restore a state of balance and get pleasure (high) while being in it, without explaining anything, but by being in it.D. - Thank you, N. All the best! Topographical anatomization of the perception of the phenomenon of Natalia’s loneliness».
