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From the author: So what kind of psychotherapy does Great Russian need? which one will a professional choose? which one will a seeker of help discover? how do national traits manifest themselves in a man, as in a woman, as in a child, as in an old man? the topic of “psychotherapy in Russian” is open here, please speak out - Will you have some tea? - Yes... no... I don’t know...- ???Contradiction, extremes and fluctuations, mobility, ease of rise, readiness to move, the desire to search (carnal and more spiritual) are the distinctive features of the Russian character. Crossroads, Road, Path - deep symbols of Russian culture. Swinging on a swing is our favorite pastime. In the oscillatory movement, reaching the extreme poles, the essence of things is comprehended. To reach the limit of the possible, to overcome oneself, to go beyond boundaries, to go there, we don’t know where, and find something, we don’t know what, to find our happiness. These are Sagittarius-well done, Ivan Tsarevich, Pokatypoloshka, Perekatipole The unpredictability of Nature aroused reverence for the Elements, taught us to think about the past, rarely imagine the future, accept it as it is (“Fate will show, God willing, Maybe it will take you out”), formed endurance, prudence, trust in signs, the need to organize life for the foreseeable future, have formed agility, flexibility, with a general focus on the future (“Not for me, but it will suit my grandchildren”). Ingenuity, intelligence, receptivity to the new, respect for traditions, creativity, the ability to distinguish wheat from chaff, wisdom - are valued more than knowledge and experience (“If only you had a head, knowledge and experience will follow”). Romance is opposed to pragmatism (“With a sweetheart, paradise and in a hut”). A situation of novelty, non-standard, unpredictability, extreme is perceived as a test situation, as a challenge and causes excitement, awakens strength , such situations, due to their constant nature, have become commonplace, so a stable, systematic forward movement straight forward is boring and uninteresting. Heroism and modesty are an invariable pair - “Anyone in my place would have done the same” - is taken for granted. Humor and jokes are indispensable companions, allowing you to easily overcome any hardships and hardships in life with an inexhaustible Hope for Avos, a deep Faith in the best, pure and bright and selfless Love for the Motherland. With the Tsar in the head, with God in the soul, freedom-loving and independent, long-tolerant and humble, flexible, stable and stubborn (“If you lie, you won’t take it”), constantly on guard, ready to repel the enemy (“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword”) and the whims of nature, easy to achieve feats (no less - “Rise up, Count - great things await you affairs"), with a messianic attitude towards others, a subject of a great empire, dependent on the instructions of the authorities, and forced to dodge, dodge under bureaucratic tyranny in order to receive benefits handed down from above, always ready to sacrifice personal interests and life itself for the sake of the Fatherland - the main thing is that life goes on - wives gave birth and children grew up - that’s how he is, Great Russian.
