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In psychology, philosophy, even in medicine, there are approaches that one way or another define Consciousness. There is a fundamental difference between a term and a phenomenon. All modern science, when talking about Consciousness, talks about a concept that is needed to explain something else, for example, in psychology the concept of Consciousness is introduced to explain the mechanisms of the psyche, in fact - a concept that describes not itself, but something in the outside. While Consciousness itself is a phenomenon, as well as Electricity, Magnetism, Light, Gravity. All these are certain phenomena, and if at the level of concepts they are described and explain something, then at the level of phenomena, humanity still knows little about them and can answer the question: “What is this really?” - reliable is impossible. People use electricity and daylight every day, every person, like everything in general, consists of particles, thanks to gravity people walk on the earth, thanks to the electromagnetic field of the planet - all living things are protected from cosmic radiation, but humanity really doesn’t know anything about these phenomena, about their essence, origin, purpose, and all the same is true in relation to Consciousness. Within the framework of Nature-oriented psychotherapy, the following view of Consciousness is offered. Consciousness is one of the forms of technology that combines the energetic basis with a certain version of the “biological programming”, which was created with the goal of purposefully improving life forms. I don’t have an answer to who exactly created this technology, when and why, and for the sake of confirming my version, I won’t invent anything; I see the search for answers in this case in development science, physics in particular. What is this understanding based on? Looking at the physical body of a person, you can easily notice how imperfect it is in appearance, fragile both outside and inside, short-lived, all this is quite natural, because the human body is of natural origin, it is based on mutations and evolution, and its design corresponds to environmental conditions . And Consciousness is a completely different matter - it is not just ideal, it is perfect, and right away, from the first moment of life. There is nothing superfluous or random in Consciousness; it is surgically precisely constructed. Take a look at Nature - there are no pure forms or ideal combinations; in Nature everything is subject to transformation. Based on this, a conclusion-assumption is formed that Consciousness fully complies with the criteria of technology, and already proven technology. Nature is a level of pure energy, but Consciousness, in addition to the energy level, also includes the level of “biological programming”. Therefore, I assume that humanity is a hybrid species, combining the natural earthly bodily shell and the technology of Consciousness on an energy basis. I will also assume that Consciousness appeared in our species - at the same time at a certain historical point and in all representatives of the species at once. How can Consciousness be structured? In answering this question, I rely more on sensations, and therefore, while recording them, I emphasize that these are reasoning, not statements, but reasoning that poses questions for study and research. The Universe consists of energy (“Unified Energy Field”). It is possible to assume, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, it is possible to assume anything, that someone has the skills to interact with the level of pure energy and can take some part of it and adding an element of “biological programming”, give it the form of technology. This energy, combined with technology, can then be placed into an organic life form, such as humans. In this way, an improved form of life is created, complemented by new abilities. Through understanding and treating Consciousness as a technology, through the development and mastery of its higher functions, people will be able to gain access to the level of interaction with primary energy directly. The need to combine the physics of processes with the metaphysics of phenomena is one of the main principles underlying the possibility of development. Another important point is.
