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What am I able to control and what is beyond my strength The influence of the Higher Power on achieving the goal. Is there such a thing and what is it? - that is the question. A state of helplessness and negative forecasts close access to faith in success, and in a broader sense, to faith as recognition that there is a certain Higher Power that controls a person’s life where he is unable to change anything. It is not for nothing that, for example, the concept of a Higher Power is used in such a spiritual direction as the 12-step program, which helps people free themselves from addictions, and reliance on a Higher Power (HP) in the program is an essential condition for spiritual recovery. Doctors, medical psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists took part in the development of the Minnesota model of the 12-step program, created in the USA in the 40s. As a result, at the end of the last century it was recognized as one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind. Although the Sun is otherwise interpreted as God in the understanding of every person, I will not use the word God so as not to provoke more religious discussions and disputes about the interpretation of the concept of God. Each person determines his own Higher Power and establishes contact with it. Even atheists can freely use this concept, and the lack of faith in God imposed by the church does not in the least prevent them from turning to their Supreme Council without any intermediaries. Also, I will not delve into scientific research into the material carriers of the aircraft, its information and energy characteristics. In order to turn on the light, I don't need to know how electricity works and how the lamp lights up, I just press the switch key. In the context of this article, we are interested in how turning to the Armed Forces helps achieve the intended goals. Firstly, the sun restores sanity lost during the development of negative thinking. Why is a person himself unable to begin to think sensibly, i.e. switch from negative to positive thinking on your own? Firstly, because he is guided by his habitual unhealthy thinking, the manifestations of which he himself does not see and is not aware of, and, therefore, is not able to make changes and begin to manage himself. Therefore, recovery occurs most effectively in groups, when other people reflect his thinking, like a mirror. Secondly, even with daily self-analysis, which the 12-step program also suggests doing, it is very difficult for a person to get rid of habitual negative thoughts and stereotypical behavior, so he turns to a Higher Power for help with a request to rid him of these flaws. Only then does he receive an answer and positive changes begin. A person suddenly begins to notice that he stops seeing things in a negative light, stops thinking badly about people, stops getting angry, and in return comes peace of mind. It’s not for nothing that the main prayer that helps to reach such a state sounds like this in groups of the 12-step program: “God, give me reason and peace of mind Accept what I cannot change, Courage to change what I can, And wisdom to distinguish between from another...” And if the first part of the prayer asks for sanity, then what follows is about being able to draw boundaries between what you are able to control and what is beyond your capabilities. This ability also plays a huge role on the path to happiness, since, having acquired it, we get rid of fears, waste of mental and physical strength, trying to control everything around us, and thereby allow the Sun to take care of us in the best way possible in a given situation..
