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In recent years, the development of the beauty industry has been increasingly gaining momentum, offering new ways to “improve” your appearance. In the media and social networks, there is active advertising of products and procedures that miraculously transform a woman into a big-breasted “beauty” with a narrow waist and plump lips. Of course, the advertising says that these products are completely natural (not = safe), and without much effort lead to fantastic results. But at the same time, no one reports about their harm to the body, about possible adverse reactions, and believe me, they exist. The image of a busty, thin woman with rounded hips (which, in principle, is not physiological), is widely promoted, and the appearance of plus-size models on the catwalk is equated to the performance of clowns in circus In modern society, being natural is not fashionable. And despite the fact that they have now begun to talk about natural beauty and react negatively to plastic surgery, the desire of women to change themselves does not become less. Why is this happening? In fact, the answer is banal - the reason for the desire to change oneself is low self-esteem, which leads to non-acceptance of oneself and one’s body. Low self-esteem formed in childhood makes the psyche overly vulnerable to the opinions of others. An opinion expressed by someone about the lack of attractiveness of such a person, the imperfection of his body, or simply the absence of a partner, can become a motive for starting to change his appearance. Having low self-esteem, a person lives not for himself, but for the approval of others. The desire to lose weight (pump up, make plump lips, breasts, and so on) becomes a way to gain approval, and therefore increase the importance of the person himself. Let's look at the process of increasing self-esteem in this case: A girl begins to lose weight, her friends and acquaintances say: “Oh, you’ve lost so much weight!” (Moreover, this phrase does not always imply approval - thinness does not suit everyone). But the girl, believing that she has achieved her goal, perceives this reaction as approval. They paid attention to her and started talking about her. The girl feels her self-esteem inflated, feels joy, a surge of strength and energy. The further process of changes occurs not for the sake of the changes themselves, but because of the desire to again feel the whole complex of positive experiences. That’s why beauty addiction is called addiction. Changing one’s own body is gradually becoming the main and only goal in life. Due to debilitating diets and emotional exhaustion, libido disappears, and, as a result, interest in the opposite sex disappears. At the same time, the absence of a partner and reluctance to start a family are often explained by such girls by the fact that they cannot find a “worthy” body for their beautiful, hard-earned body. What kind of self-esteem does a girl with beauty addiction have? When reinforced by positive reviews, it increases, in psychology this is called artificially high self-esteem, since it is not the girl herself who values ​​herself highly, but those around her. But when a girl gets used to her appearance, or someone expresses a negative opinion about her figure, then self-esteem will drop sharply, and the process of increasing self-esteem will occur in the usual way - even more weight loss, an additional portion of Botox on the lips, and so on. Stop this vicious process the circle can only change the way girls increase their self-esteem, the attention of others, their recognition of you as an individual does not depend on the size of your waist or chest. Be a person: interesting, striving for development and harmony. Such women have always been admired, regardless of the imposed standards of female beauty.
