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From the author: On the aggression of the alpha male as an integral quality of the hierarch of the human pack Modern mythology is slowly but surely forming a pantheon of new gods. The Alpha male has been canonized, and all his governors on earth are surrounded by honor and glory. The Holy Alpha Male is worshiped mainly by women, although men also pay deserved respect. In the history of mythology there was already such a character - Dionysus, aka Bacchus, aka Bacchus. Ecstasy, frantic dancing, loud music, wine and fun were integral attributes of his cult. Accompanying the cheerful guy Bacchus were bacchante fans or maenads, masters of bacchanalia, lovers of orgies, that is, fun parties on the sacred Mount Parnassus. This is roughly how members of the modern sect of the sacred Alpha male imagine their lives. Legend says that if you marry the earthly son of the god Alpha, you will live your whole life in fun and joy on the sacred mountain. And the fact that some annoying maenads will circle around your loved one is not a problem - millions of dollars of legal inheritance will still go to the only winner who managed to register her right to own an alpha male - in front of witnesses and in the presence of a state representative. Let's try to take a break from sweet myths and look at the alpha male phenomenon from a scientific point of view, in order to balance fiction and reality, and most importantly, to bring complete clarity to the understanding of the phenomenon that so excites modern young women. Let's start with the fact that the “alpha male” is the object of study of the young science of ethology, which studies the behavioral characteristics of different species of animals in their natural habitat. Man and his natural habitat - society - are also a subject of interest to ethologists. Ethologists have noticed that in most animal communities there is a special system of subordinating some individuals to others - a hierarchy. And when scientists began to find out what forms hierarchies in different animal communities, they came to the conclusion that the basis for building power in animals and humans is aggression. One of the founders of ethology, Nobel laureate Konrad Lorenz, wrote a grandiose work “Aggression”, exploring this unique natural phenomenon. And here is what Lorenz’s follower, Russian ethologist Viktor Dolnik, writes: “The inequality of individuals in terms of aggressiveness leads to the formation of relationships of subordination between them, the so-called hierarchy. The dominant (most aggressive) individual suppresses others.” If someone is still in the illusion that the dominant of the human pack, the alpha male is a millionaire, the owner of large accounts in foreign banks, the owner of real estate around the world and a generous man who showers girlfriend with money, take off your rose-colored glasses! Your god does not look like the cheerful Bacchus, but like the aggressive Ares, the god of war, because your coveted alpha male is a person who has a healthy sense of aggression much more developed than others. The subtitle of Lorenz’s fundamental work “Aggression” is “So called evil." Ethologists do not view aggression as a desire to cause suffering to other members of the pack. Aggression is a natural tool for achieving a goal, determining the viability of an individual and the viability of the entire community. “The aggression observed in so many animals, directed against fellow species, is, generally speaking, in no way harmful to this species, but, on the contrary, is necessary for its preservation,” Lorenz believes. Dolnik echoes him: “In the animal world, aggressiveness towards one’s own kind primarily serves to replace physical skirmishes that cause bodily harm with psychological skirmishes. Two animals in competition for territory, space, food, female, etc. do not immediately enter into a fight, but begin to threaten one another, adopting threatening poses... In order to remove the aggressiveness of the winner, the vanquished should take a pose of submission and humility.” No matter how much one would like to believe that labor has made a man out of a monkey, in"
