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Many people often receive requests that they want to change something about themselves. For example, get rid of laziness, learn to control your emotions, grow up, become more attentive and concentrated, and so on. People are often dissatisfied with themselves. But the secret to real change lies in the fact that until you love yourself completely, even including your so-called shortcomings, you will not be able to grow and improve. When we start fighting with ourselves, we will never win. And this is confirmed by A. Beiser’s theory of change, which can be described as follows: “Changes in a person occur only when he becomes himself. When he tries to remake his true self, to seem like someone else, the desired result will not happen.” Changes do not happen to those who are in constant struggle and rejection of themselves, when a person accepts and loves everything about himself: both advantages and disadvantages, his life begins to change for the better - then he becomes a better version of himself. If you don't start loving yourself unconditionally, you will spend a lot of energy creating a desired image that turns out to be unattainable. This struggle will create in you a rejection of the real you, and you will only feel worse from it. How to love even your flaws? Think about the bonus they bring to your life. There must be a bonus, otherwise we would not choose this behavioral strategy. For example, laziness helps us conserve energy! It is important to experience all your feelings and not suppress them. Our emotions are important. All the same. Like joy, love and happiness, also sadness, anger and longing. When we live rather than suppress our emotions, we find harmony in our souls. Only then are we open to bright changes. To take your first step towards success and rich thinking, start working through your limiting attitudes according to the algorithm I described. A list of the main 200+ limiting settings can be found at this link - https://skydzen.ru/data/uploads/pdf/praktikapoiskaubezhdenij/practicum.pdf. I suggest continuing and deepening the work you have done in a personal consultation👉 WhatsApp, Tel: +79086311911👉 Subscribe https://t.me/lifeuspeh
