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The psychological health of each of us is a very important and at the same time fragile thing, which must be taken care of with special care and attention. Art therapy will help with this - a creative method of psychotherapy used by representatives of many psychological schools involved in the study and analysis of a person’s inner “I”. Art therapist and presenter of trainings and the Art Club of the “Center for Successful Relationships” Nadezhda BARANOVA will help you understand this very interesting method of psychotherapy. — Nadezhda, art therapy is… — Visual arts therapy. In other words, it is a set of techniques and technologies that help reveal the inner world of a person. The main task of art therapy is awareness and knowledge of oneself. With its help, a person can find a way out of difficult life situations, answer important questions for himself, for example, “Who am I?”, “Where am I going?”... “What’s stopping me?” Art therapy also helps to harmonize the personality and reveal its inner strengths and talents. In art therapy there is a stage of creativity and a stage of interpretation. The first is the actual process of creating a work of art, and the second is the analysis of this work. The psychologist helps the patient explain his own work and understand his problems, a difficult situation, or learn something new about himself. The term itself appeared only in the late 30s of the last century. The English doctor Adrian Hill began to let his tuberculosis patients draw - and they noticed an improvement in their health. And only very recently did psychologists begin to use art therapy for their patients. - For what people is it suitable? Is it possible to say with confidence that any person, no matter what mental disorder he or she applies to, will find something useful for himself in this technique?— It should be understood that art therapy is not only for people with mental disorders, but and for completely healthy people. After all, it is aimed at helping to express one’s internal state, content, as well as correct it. And its various forms and means are used to help do this. For example, sand therapy. In a box of sand, a person uses miniature figures to create a scene or situation. The goal is to build any world you want. And then the psychologist, together with the client, interprets what the person has “built.” Metaphorical cards are a deck of cards containing images that do not have an unambiguous interpretation. A person is asked to choose the one that caused him any emotional reaction: tenderness, joy, fear, disgust, anger, pity, etc. Then again comes the interpretation and connection of this image with the real circumstances of the patient’s life. The Mandala method is a drawing in a circle. There are other methods of interpretation at work here. Thus, the psychologist already pays attention to what is in the center, what is at the edges, what geometric shapes were used - the explanation of the drawing depends on this. Mask therapy is based on the fact that in the theater masks are used so that a person begins to experience a state character whose mask he put on. - How to understand which method of therapy is best? - It all depends on the individuality of the patient. And the variety of psychotherapy methods is due to the fact that each person is unique and chooses for himself what allows him to open up more fully. - Can art therapy “work” if a person practices independently? Or is it better to seek help from a professional? - Self-study has preventive value and allows you to relieve stress. Creative activities help improve both physical and mental health. But if there is some problem that a person cannot cope with on his own, then he needs the help of a psychologist. The interpretation stage of art therapy requires an outside perspective. Moreover, a professional look. Moreover, it is better to draw or create in a group, because the creative process is activated there, there is a special group energy. In a group, people do everything with great enthusiasm. At the same time there is a possibility.
