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Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has become a common diagnosis in modern times. And until now, scientists have not given clear reasons for this phenomenon or ways to help the child. And while scientists are coming up with a magic pill, the closest and dearest relatives whose family has a child with ASD can now take important steps towards restoring peace and harmony in the family. Those who have encountered this problem know firsthand how difficult it is sometimes for parents to understand their child, how to communicate and what tasks to set in the upbringing and general development of the child, in preparation for adulthood. It is now quite difficult for modern medicine, psychology and pedagogy to formulate general educational and therapeutic directions in this matter. But we will take a different path and will not reinvent the wheel, but will take the heritage that humanity carries within itself, I’m not afraid of this big word! We just need to go beyond the usual boundaries that modern culture dictates to us and come into contact with the culture that has supported every person since ancient times, bestowing peace and prosperity. We begin to reveal secrets by opening our family closets and our skeletons, which may have been gathering dust there for a long time without use. Perhaps your closets are immaculately clean and the only possible conflict in your family is a fight over who will wash the dishes after the family dinner. Then you can skip this point and move on to the next one. But if you have to struggle in your mind with something that you want to forget and not think about, then you will have to pause... For example, in a family where an autistic child is growing up, the child’s father has not communicated with his father for 10 years, or the mother has broken up on no with the child's grandmother. The mother-in-law did not want this marriage and children with all the ensuing events, perhaps the father of the family disappeared without a trace, and his life is shrouded in mystery... One way or another, whether we like it or not, no matter what laws we pass at the present time, the family is the whole a system that simply cannot be destroyed, conflict will certainly manifest itself in one form or another, and from where we may not expect it at all... What to do. And here our difficult work begins, but believe me, nothing truly worthwhile happens without our titanic efforts. The first thing that is important to do is to see the situation with different eyes. Psychologists or other qualified people can help here, as well as internal introspection, meditation, and prayer. We will talk about this later, but one way or another, it is important for this issue to be seen and considered. Not only our mother and father tried to bring us into the world, imagine how many grandmothers and great-great-great... grandmothers and grandfathers contributed to this... Previously, they treated the clan system very carefully, respect and veneration of ancestors gave the blessing of the clan for well-being, health and prosperity. Now this has become less obvious, since traditions are being destroyed, and a person is being erected as a self-sufficient independent person, which is very illusory, while losing the patronage and power of the clan. Our task is simply to follow the laws of nature; most people intuitively feel this and strive to recreate family ties through drawing up a family tree. Everyone can draw family ties and enter all their known relatives there. This is also a good opportunity to communicate with those relatives from whom you can learn more about your family. And here many secrets that you did not even suspect about may be revealed to you. What was not customary to talk about and discuss. But one way or another, accept everything that happened and, mainly, all members of the family family, including the dead, missing, murdered, forgotten, etc. Your attention is very important to them... It happens that it is not possible to find information on one of the family branches, for example on the father, where the grandfather was divorced from his grandmother and information about him and his life has not been preserved. Visually, you can see the empty part of your sheet, covered in mystery...But!
