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From the author: ...if you worry too often about not very significant reasons. Worry too often? For your husband, for your child, for your parents, for some other loved one? Are you tired of this? Then it makes sense to understand that anxiety itself has never helped anyone. Quite the contrary - at a minimum, it prevents you from living, being in a state of peace and quiet, enjoying the day, going about your business without being distracted by anxious thoughts. As for others - those you are worried about, they also do not benefit from this receive. If you consider how close people feel about each other... What do you think it’s like to be in the flow of someone’s worries? Probably not sweet, right? Stop worrying! Oh, what stupid advice, isn't it? It is a habit. An ordinary ban will not solve the matter here. So what should we do? In such cases, believers realize that everything is in the hands of the Lord and trust him to take care of their loved ones. Sometimes in these cases prayers are said, mantras are read, etc. Even if you don’t believe in the miraculous effect of this, at least you can understand that focusing on consciously pronouncing some texts distracts from unproductive thoughts. So reading something like this with full involvement in the process often helps to come into balance. Are you an atheist? Affirmations or some other texts that you can immerse yourself in and structured in a positive way are also suitable. From the point of view of quantum psychology, the observer determines reality. This is from the series “what you set your mind to is what you will get.” If this approach is close to you, you can imagine the best outcome, tune in to it, draw pictures in your imagination of what you want. Yes, a person always has a choice. And, if your loved one has chosen something completely different from what you offer in your imagination, there is nothing you can do about it. But at least you will do something to ensure that the situation is revealed in the best possible way. You can also simply imagine how an angel covers your loved one with its wings, or like him (wherever he is), for example, protects a stream of bright light, or something special else - helping him and giving you peace of mind. What options do you offer yourself and others in case of excessive worries? PS Everything written above is for those who plague themselves with anxious thoughts often and even unexpectedly especially significant occasions. These recommendations are situational measures. But if your level of anxiety is so high that it prevents you from living comfortably, it is better to go to a psychologist to eliminate the true roots of the problem. Articles on the topic and about: Meditation or relaxation... What is more useful during times of stress? Oh jealousy, the underwater snake!
