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The reason why cancer patients and their relatives turn to healers, psychics and other charlatans is fear, which prevents them from really assessing the situation and finding a rational solution. People are ready to trust all sorts of deceivers out of fear of surgery, painful therapy with side effects, and this is understandable - in order to survive, they will have to sacrifice their quality of life. Usually, at the time of diagnosis, a person does not yet feel the manifestations of the disease, he leads a normal life life, so it is difficult for him to believe what is happening. The news of a cancerous tumor hits the patient like a bolt from the blue: he was just healthy, came for an examination, took tests - and it turns out that he has a dangerous and serious illness. And in order to survive, it may be necessary to remove the affected organ, undergo radiation and chemotherapy, and take expensive medications. It is very difficult for patients to decide to amputate the mammary gland, cut out part of the intestine and walk around with a colostomy bag for the rest of their lives; they are also afraid of the numerous side effects of therapy. In reality, it is difficult and scary for a person to accept and realize that he or someone close to him is seriously ill, and for the sake of life itself, he must undergo a course of treatment that significantly reduces his quality of life. I want to run and hide. Some people postpone treatment after diagnosis, citing the fact that at the moment they feel fine, and they have many everyday urgent matters - to make repairs in the apartment, finish the summer season, complete work on an important project, go on a trip, and so on. . Even without contacting healers, they refuse to undergo additional examinations, do not agree to go to the hospital, and even doctors’ persuasion and assurances that the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome, that there is no time to postpone therapy or surgery until later, since the disease progresses, does not help. Patients hide from this reality, and often they are tempted to turn to someone who guarantees recovery without heavy therapy and surgery, you just need to take folk remedies, give injections, drink decoctions, apply lotions, pray or speak to the tumor , that is, do not change your usual lifestyle. It is also necessary to take into account that the course of cancer diseases can be unpredictable, and even professional doctors of the highest class are always very cautious in prognoses and do not give any guarantees; at best, they can tell the patient that he has quite serious chances that treatment will be successful. The patient wants something specific, to gain confidence in a favorable outcome for himself, and the healers’ promise of an inevitable recovery makes them believe, even without taking into account the arguments of reason. When a cancer patient learns about his diagnosis, in addition to communicating with the doctor, he begins to independently search for information about the disease and methods of treatment, and finds many articles, discussions in online communities talking about traditional medicine in oncology, the help of healers, miraculous remedies that guarantee recovery, reads stories of those cured who were helped by a healer, a grandmother-herbalist, a psychic, a bioenergeticist... Fear , despair, hopelessness, a feeling of doom, pain, fatigue and at the same time hope and faith in a miracle - fertile ground for all sorts of manipulators, especially since in such a situation it is enough to just promise a quick and final recovery. People turn to healers out of fear of Through surgery, chemical and radiation therapy, they are trying to find a miracle cure that guarantees healing. There are also many cases where cancer is detected in patients already at an advanced, inoperable stage due to late visits to the doctor. As a rule, in such cases, official medicine is already powerless, and patients and their loved ones go to healers for their last hope. There are stories of women who,
