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From the author: Notes from the last dance movement therapy. Encounters with your body that occur during dance movement therapy are sometimes discouraging. You have been living in your body for many years. I'm sure you know him well. Often you manage to live peacefully for many years. Put some food in it. Sometimes take care of the "skin". Agree. Or suddenly feel betrayal - a “suddenly” aching body before a serious report. In general, everything is fine - “everyone lives like this.” But sometimes, in the bustle of city everyday life, when you find a couple of hours for yourself, unique discoveries happen. And they are not at all connected with a miracle, karma, hypnosis... At the last dance movement therapy lesson, the participants managed to meet their own rhythm and hear the voice of the body. It was an exercise in “living without a head.” There is a partner nearby who takes care of your safety. The task is to trust and live in the body, without the control and attention of the mind. For those who manage to live at least 5 minutes “in crazy mode”, discoveries are guaranteed. A strange thing is discovered. Our body is filled with its own waves of breathing, the rhythm of the movement of the pelvis in time with breathing, melody, vibrations, and the beat of the heart. There is so much of it, the fullness is enchanting. You just need to stock up on trust and courage so as not to run away from such beauty. This discovery is akin to a sudden collision with a stranger. A beautiful stranger - to be more precise). Where do so many interesting and wonderful things come from? Was all this always there and I didn’t notice? How? Why? It's so great! This is both fullness, clarity, freedom and peace, trust, authenticity. But not always what you discover will correspond to your stereotypes. Have the courage and honor to know yourself differently. More interesting, bolder, more active, gentler, freer. The one you didn’t know yet, but would like to know. Welcome to a unique journey.
