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Sometimes things can go wrong. It is important how we react to troubles in our lives. If you feel anxious, you need to develop strategies to cope with failure and turn failure into opportunity. The problem is that people project failures that often occur onto themselves as an individual. In fact, failure is simply the result of some specific action. If you made a mistake in one area of ​​your life (for example, you failed a test, you made a mistake on a report), you did not become a failure in other aspects of your life. You did not fail, but in one specific situation you acted unsuccessfully. The main thing is to identify the mistakes you made and take action to prevent them from happening again. Failure gives you experience. Focus on thinking what useful things can I learn from this situation. Failure is a dead end, but learning gives opportunities for development. Don't turn failure into a dark event in your life, consider it a lesson for you. The choice of how to react to failure is yours. You can become immersed in negative thoughts, stopping and not taking any action. Or accept failure as a challenge, find other ways to solve the problem, cope, feel and realize your abilities with which you can feel confident. By focusing on one goal, people often exaggerate its importance. As a result, failure takes you out of your usual state for a long time. Look at the situation from the outside, perhaps there are other goals, the fulfillment of which will overshadow the failure, ask yourself the question, will this be important to me in five years, and if the answer is no, then right now you should reconsider your attitude and stop worrying too much. We We think that others are closely following our failures and discussing them. Remember the failures of other people, how long did you remember about them and were they interesting to you? Now allow yourself to be free from other people's opinions. Even if they pay attention to your mistakes, they will soon turn their attention to their lives. Failure means that you tried, but this particular time it did not work out as you wanted or set a goal. But you put in the effort to achieve your goal, so even that is something you can be proud of! Now is the time to think about how to change the means of achieving or slightly adjust the goal itself. The result cannot always be achieved immediately, sometimes it takes time, and if we are not able to speed it up, then our task is to move in small steps, make the necessary efforts, turning off excessive emotionality, and gradually your goal will be achieved. Remember - you can make mistakes, this is part of our life, like relationships, work, sports, caring for loved ones. How to think and act after failure is up to you. We cannot control the past, but we can change our attitude towards ourselves and the situation right now, by transforming our present, we can decide how to cope with failures, using this experience and gaining new opportunities in order to change our strategy and life in general , gradually get the future we want. If you get stuck in negative feelings every time after failure, then you can seek help. Together, we will develop suitable ways for you to overcome negative states and in the future you will be able to cope with mistakes more easily, freeing up energy for new achievements. Share if you have ever gotten stuck in self-blame, what those situations were and how you eventually dealt with such situations.
