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From the author: It is useful to periodically heal your femininity in order to maintain the happiness of your female life. This article is about the five main ways. My training “Flirting as the art of communication” is dedicated to the development of female identification/femininity. I rarely host it lately (I’m passionate about other topics), but requests for participation come in quite often. Therefore, as a compromise, I lift the veil in this article. I want to make it clear right away that in one day of training it is impossible to completely recover from many years of negative habits and women’s dissatisfactions. However, at the training “Flirting as the art of communication” I give keys that can 1) open doors, 2) and you can put these keys on the table. Here, in the article, I want to talk about these “keys of femininity” (on During the training, I also show them, we train them). - Tell it in the spirit of a theoretical summary, giving food for thought rather than instructions. About the five “Keys of Femininity” The keys are formulated in the form of five global rules of female flirting (we master them in training) - These are five large and deep topics that cover almost every We women need to be owned. Therefore, it is useful to periodically work out in order to be in shape - a harmonious and successful woman. Here are these five global rules - topics: 1 The first rule - Stability First of all, we mean TRUE internal psychological stability, and NOT superficial (feigned). We are all evaluated in life, and often negatively (we are not Euros to please everyone), and we are all rejected at times. The one who believes that this does not happen to her is most likely living in the dark (or in her fantasies). Resilience is the ability to survive negative assessments and rejections from men without a significant loss of female self-esteem. To put it simply, the ability to feel like a good enough woman, despite the fact that a man, or even several men, DO NOT like you as a woman. It’s easy to say, but achieving such a state often requires serious psychological work: with self-esteem, with emotions, with psychological boundaries , social attitudes and so on. Often women find a naive pseudo solution to this problem - they PRETEND that they are stable, that they have a fairly high opinion of themselves, but upon closer examination it turns out that THIS IS NOT TRUE. And therefore - in relationships with men this DOES NOT WORK! The main thing I encounter in working with instability is the dependence of a woman’s self-esteem on the presence or absence of a man (husband) in her life. If HIM is not there, then she believes that she is bad. The dependence of self-esteem on the behavior of this man or other men towards her (if men look after her, then she is good, if they ignore, abandon, etc., then she is a second-class woman) the dependence of self-esteem on negative ideas about her appearance, personal qualities, the amount of money in her wallet, achievements and other things. Looking at herself in the mirror, or looking around her life, her property, her personal qualities, she feels that she is not good enough. In general, we are talking about negative, unstable or dependent self-esteem, which is often covered by a social mask of supposed success. It is important to work through this topic by achieving SUSTAINABILITY. More details about the process of changing self-esteem in my article “Self-Esteem”2 Second rule - Femininity This topic is the subject of my previous articles on femininity. It is about accepting your feminine nature, feminine interests, feminine qualities and their manifestation in life, in relationships with men. – About female identification. Intuition, gentleness, inconsistency, emotionality, community with other women - it is important to DISCOVER these and other feminine qualities in yourself, and then show them. - Flow through life with them, and not pretend to be by chance. Unfortunately, many here also have a lot of superficial things. Cosmetics, hairpins and manners create an IMAGE, but are not true femininity, they are just an attribute. True female identification is located much deeper than the image andassociated with accepting one’s feminine characteristics and differences from men. – The ability to preserve one’s feminine differences when falling under the influence of a man, to speak openly and lovingly about them, to demonstrate, to protect them. - Cooperate with a man, NOT turning into a second man (in order to understand him better), but strive to understand him, relying on your feminine nature. In ancient times, there was a cult of the Great Mother. A woman served, first of all, the Goddess (feminine nature), and not a man and his values. I don’t deal with religious issues, I just want to emphasize the difference between: 1) a woman lives serving feminine nature, putting it first in her life, or, 2) a woman serves male values, which are now undoubtedly in favor, and femininity only depicts, exploits for the manipulation of men, herself and the world. In life and in relationships with men, SUCH GAMES DO NOT PASS, a man quickly sees through the catch! 3 The third rule is Spontaneity. It’s about handling your emotionality. Unfortunately, in our society it is customary to suppress emotional arousal, which IS, and instead portray that excitement , which is NOT - something socially acceptable. This is how we lose spontaneity. Feeling your source of emotional excitement and flowing with it is true spontaneity, which intrigues and fascinates. The degree of liberation and spontaneity of a woman is clearly visible through the timbre and intonation of her voice, facial expressions, gestures, gaze, manner of conversation, movements, grace, body postures, dancing, singing, gait, etc. Here, as elsewhere, pretense does not work, so how pretense is not spontaneity.4 The fourth rule - Awareness of needs in relationships. This is about being aware of YOUR needs in a relationship with a man and collaborating, promoting, realizing them, and NOT RENTING YOURSELF TO A MAN. At different periods of life, we face different tasks. A woman is also a person, and it is quite possible that it is important for us in some periods of life, and maybe even for long periods, to be without a close relationship with a man, or not to get married, or not to give birth to children, or not to care much about appearance. For some - then it sounds seditious. After all, there is a social role for women! If a woman does not follow it, she is subjected to pressure, both from others and from within her own personality. If a woman succumbs to this pressure, she takes the PATH OF ARTIFICIALITY, she loses touch with her TRUE NEEDS. Realizing and realizing her true needs at different periods of life, a woman returns to herself, her integrity and naturalness. That's when she becomes truly happy and attractive! 5 The fifth rule is Action. Many women are dominated by the stereotype that a woman MUST be passive, and a man must be active. This is wrong! At all times, not only men conquered women, but women also conquered men. Conquering/attracting/seducing the man you like is your task. This is an active action that a woman NEEDS TO DO. It just looks outwardly different from male conquest. This rule of Action is about NOT SPENDING YOUR LIFE WAITING, but asking, organizing, acting, consciously attracting, taking risks. This does not mean the risk of life and health, but the risk of opening your feelings, trusting, showing interest, talking about your real desires. I see so many women who understand a lot, but DO NOT TAKE ACTION - do not express themselves openly, do not get acquainted, they do not conquer, do not seduce, remaining in imaginary security. Imaginary - because inaction enormously increases the likelihood of living your one and only life rottenly. The pursuit of safety is sometimes more dangerous than taking some risks. Well, if the action led to failure, well, you can always rely on point number one - resilience. - “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” PSDevelopment/treatment of femininity is a process, and sometimes a long one.
