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We have such a sin - we like to break into the goal from the front door. Heroically overcome difficulties and obstacles. Fight and achieve, tearing your veins and burning out your nerves. But it can be done in another way... No, I’m not even talking about contemplating your own navel and attracting what you want with the help of mental images, without getting up from the couch. AN EVEN SIMPLE RECIPE... Stop doing what What do not you like! Stop giving everything you don’t like your energy, time, money, attention. End a painful relationship - let the person go if he is clearly “not yours” and will not become “yours”, even if you hurt yourself. Leave the job you hate - for start anywhere (but not to nowhere!), as long as the new place does not evoke unpleasant emotions. Throw away clothes, dishes, furniture and other accessories that irritate, enrage, make you sad or even just not very pleasing. Give away empty ones that do not warm the heart of the book. Unsubscribe from useless, boring mailings. Say goodbye to social media friends who post crap. Or block their statuses from appearing in your feed - some networks allow you to customize this. Do not eat a dish if it is healthy/available (in the refrigerator, on the display), but does not give real pleasure from the taste and aftertaste. How and why does this work? In yours All dreams, goals, desires are already laid down in the subconscious. They are built, detailed and the shortest route to them has already been laid out. Your task is not to stop yourself from moving along it. Understand correctly, consciously moving towards the goal is also useful. But consciousness is a tool that is far from perfect. And conscious efforts always lead approximately to the goal, but the subconscious hits the bull's eye! If you invest a thousand tugriks to move towards the goal, then maybe 300, or maybe all 900 tugriks from this amount will go to nowhere, because you did not aim accurately. And if you stop spending that same thousand on things you don’t like, then rest assured that every last penny of it will automatically go towards your dreams. Secret: get rid of the alien in order: things - information/food - activities - people. And if you want this process to go as quickly, easier and smoothly as possible, then contact me - I will help you online or in person! What unnecessary things did you get rid of? How did this affect your life? Your reliable psychologist, Oleg Kolmychok. Phone: +7 (964) 915-00-17 Skype: kolm52Instagram*: oleg.kolmychok This article sincerely echoes: 13 hellishly effective ways to dismember the “elephant carcass” of a problem and solve it piece by piece. Open letter to the Universe: the first psychoepistolary flash mobLife passing by: 10 surest ways to kill time on the spot To quickly and regularly receive all my new valuable articles, notes and recordings, subscribe right now! PS Every thank you inspires me to write new - even more interesting and useful articles! Thank you very much for your support!!!* Instagram belongs to Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
