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Anxiety is one of the serious problems of our civilization, and modern girls are especially anxious. Anxiety is one of the causes of aggression, eating disorders, self-harm and teenage suicides. To solve this problem, solutions are needed at the level of the state or its social institutions, but so far there are no such solutions, we have to cope at the family level - by counseling, as well as educating and training parents through articles, lectures and workshops. It is difficult for child psychologists, since there is not enough research in domestic science on this topic (they were not encouraged due to the suppression of a number of political and social factors that existed in our country) and to see a holistic picture or at least trends. existing in this matter is difficult. But how important it is to study this phenomenon at different stages of childhood, and even conducted in a gender aspect. Thanks to them, it will be possible to help children and parents overcome or avoid disorders in the emotional and emotional-personal spheres of children, carry out the prevention of behavioral disorders, and offer concepts and programs to psychologists in the field of education. However, there is little information, it is at the local level and we act more intuitively. Following A.M. For parishioners, by the terms “anxiety” and “anxiety” we will understand anxiety as an emotional state, and anxiety as a stable personal formation, using the latter term to denote the entire phenomenon as a whole. We proceed from the fact that a certain level of anxiety is normally characteristic of all people and is necessary for a person’s optimal adaptation to reality. The presence of anxiety as a stable formation is evidence of disturbances in personal development. It interferes with normal activities and full communication [1, p.6]. To help girls, parents can diagnose the presence of anxiety using the observation method, as well as analysis of children’s and adolescent drawings, content posted on social networks (article “I want to hear something , which, like a cup of coffee, will help me get through this day..."). The main cause of anxiety is the internal conflict in the sphere of "I" (for example, between the real I and the ideal I, "want" and "need", various social roles, etc.), which leads to dissatisfaction of needs and tension. They give rise to anxiety as an independent formation. Then it consolidates and develops, it penetrates with its “tentacles” into other parts of the personality, for example, into the motivational one, creating motivation to avoid failure or into the communicative sphere, and then we see the birth of social fears. What should parents be wary of in the life of their children? Signs related to the functioning of the nervous system: - sleep disturbances; - poor appetite; - difficulty concentrating; - constant tension; - sweating; - irritability, etc. Behavioral manifestations: - motor restlessness; - fussiness in behavior; - desire to control everything; - repeated redoing of any work; - negativism; - touchiness; - suspicion; - lack of self-confidence and in one’s actions; - reluctance to talk or, conversely, talkativeness, etc. If you notice these signs, then of course it would be good to contact a child to a specialist - a psychologist. If you do not have such an opportunity, then providing psychological support to your child will be simply necessary. Peaks of girls' anxiety occur at two ages: 7-8 years (adaptation to school, experiencing social stress, finding their place in the school community, relationships with a teacher) and 15-17 years (relationships with peers, worries about appearance, eating disorders behavior, body image, passing exams, etc.). It is during these periods that girls are most vulnerable and parents need to know about this. Often, the causes of anxiety are factors related to school; for more details, see the article “School Anxiety, as a Map of Psychological Ailments in Our School.” Try to teach your daughter/
