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Relationships between a man and a woman have at all times occupied far from the last place. With the change of eras, regimes, times, the relationship between a man and a woman develops in one way or another. The social aspect plays a huge role in the formation of relationships. According to data for 2012, the largest number of divorces are due to alcoholism and drug addiction, and in second place is material disadvantage, lack of an apartment, etc. It is worth noting that the more complex the living conditions, the more stringent the selection of a future partner. The question is precisely the security of one’s own future, which consists in material well-being. Nowadays, arranged marriages, unequal relationships based on age, and something that was not accepted at all before—relations on the side—have begun to flourish. As they say, money is money, but no one has yet canceled the message of the soul. This article is devoted specifically to relationships on the side, its causes and consequences. In my practice, this is the most common case. When a woman, under the influence of external financial requirements, is looking for a life partner, she, I repeat, is guided by the correspondence between the pleasant and the useful. By useful we mean a financially secure man, capable of supporting a loved one, behind whom you will feel like behind a stone wall. By pleasant - an outwardly attractive, understanding, supportive, responsive, sexy macho. But, unfortunately, the first and second signs of an “ideal” man do not always converge in the desired ratio. This is either a wealthy young man, a descendant of his rich parents, but often changes his women, or a wealthy, far from young man, but greedy for money and capable of little in his sexual life, either, or, or. Such comparisons can be made endlessly. As a rule, focusing on a means of coexistence. Girls neglect their happiness, their choice of soul, because only at the level of the soul does the most powerful union occur between two loving people. But the reality is that Women choose, being with one man and receiving financial security from him, to build a relationship with another, from whom they receive mental and physical satisfaction. In common parlance this is called a “love triangle”, but there are also “quadrangles” and “pentagons”! As they say: “There is no limit to perfection”! A woman, as a being endowed with wisdom, sometimes acts very rashly. As soon as feelings come into play, the program of agreements simply disappears on its own, because... agreements are built at the level of the brain, mind, and analytical abilities, but feelings do not obey the laws of the mind. And as a result, it turns out that the mind says: “Everything is fine, you yourself wanted it. You have everything you strived for,” and feelings: “I always want to be only with my loved one, he hears me, he is dear to me, I feel so good when he is near.” The discrepancy between the vector orientation of feelings and mind results in an imbalance of the psyche and body, resulting in a state of unhappiness. This is where the “adventures” begin. A woman is trying to agree with herself that she can love two men at once, because she can love several children; that love is the ability to agree, and since we agree, then this is love; or for example, with every man I have a mutually beneficial exchange. Paradoxically, such conclusions are characteristic of the mind, which by its nature is necessary only to protect the individual and create a comfort zone. As a result, we again see how the mind tries to subjugate the Great Feelings with its arguments! There is such an axiom - it is a choice between being happy or being right! Happy means living according to the requests of Feelings, and living right according to the laws of the Mind. What to choose? Mind or Feelings, Rightness or Happiness? In this article I am not talking about the third force, which underlies the feelings and mind - these are the instincts that are responsible for the reaction of the individual in conditions.
